
Monday, July 3, 2023

The July Super Full Moon is happening in Capricorn, the sign that is known for ambition, tenacity, growth, strength, resilience.


The July Super Full Moon is happening in Capricorn, the sign that is known for ambition, tenacity, growth, strength, resilience.
We are invited to be strong, to say yes to growth, to use the passion to create the life we desire, to release the old and say no to the things/people that are lowering our vibration and blocking our growth. Now we have another opportunity to level up. It’s a big one as are entering the Sirius gateway (from 4-8 of July) the day after the Full Moon. Because of the Sirius and Lyra energy we are receiving in July and August, we have an amazing opportunity to grow and progress. We have the power to start/trigger the transformation or to block/delay it because of fear. Are you ready for the next level or will you stay where you are? Decide and get ready for the light codes and downloads that will be coming in with the full moon, the Sirius Gateway and the 777 portal just in the first week of July. Be open to the unexpected information, knowledge, knowing, be ready for growth and expansion. Be ready to jump some timelines. But also be aware of the fact that full moon energy, immense growth and high frequency energy downloads can trigger you, bring heavy feelings and emotions, heavy energy from the depths/shadows, the people around you might be triggered and bring drama into your life if you let them to, etc. and your body can have problems with the ascension symptoms, detoxification, not being grounded, not breathing, deeply, not being in the present moment, as you already know. Growth is amazing, positive, magical and it brings so much new, but it can also trigger the old that doesn’t want to leave because the ego loves to live in the past

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