
Thursday, July 27, 2023

The Great Awakening ┕━━━━╗✹╔━━━━┙ GReset Global Currency (GCR)


The Great Awakening


GReset Global Currency (GCR)

“Each country must follow GESARA to participate in the QFS Alliance. A specific quantitative formula will be used to determine the number of currencies available 'in the country' which will be supported by gold in QFS.

The results of the formula create a fair value of the assets of each country in comparison. There is too much gold needed to support the gold of all the world's currencies. Once the GCR is set, gold prices will no longer be relevant.

“If the price of gold goes up, the value of all currencies will also go up. Result.

There is no change in the net value of all currencies, formula including assets.

Land, the economy of the nation.

Population, which is one of the assets of the country and many more.

Parameters to determine currency of nations.

This formula must be applied to each country so that every currency is equal to all other countries/One World One Currency 1:1

Using all the formulas and general values of gold means that one country's currency must be equal to another country's currency.

This is called Global Currency Reset (GCR) - resetting all currencies at the same level as all other currencies and each currency has a gold certificate to verify validity.

It is a requirement of each country to adopt a reset formula and apply world standards to enable QFS to function as intended. This is why countries must follow GESARA to participate.

With consistency, data becomes more reliable.

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Daily information.

In the world of humanitarian initiatives, we are here to empower and educate the people and unite mankind to awaken consciousness, eradicate ignorance and take action for a better world. For World Humanity 209


Cr: # Ttango17Q

28 July 2Q23


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