
Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Quantum Jump Easily! Manifest Your Highest Timeline Technique


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Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for July


'Ascension is an inside job'

That's the mantra of Kornelia Stephanie, PAO's special guest for July. Over the past months, Colleen and I have appeared several times as webcast guests on The Kornelia Stephanie Show. Now, in a perfect trade-off, she returns the favor, and we are delighted to welcome her!

Kornelia, a gifted mentor, speaker, author and guide, offers simple, commonsense tools to embrace our humanity and further us along our paths to self-healing, spiritual peace and a better world.

If you're finding the glut of mainstream 'way too depressing and oppressive', you'll find Kornelia as bracing as sips of ice water on a hot day. Her thoughts are absolutely activational: how, even in difficult times, we can reclaim our personal sovereignty, and how vital it is for each one of us to be able to express our authentic selves - clearly, safely and courageously.

WANTED More Live Webinar Attendees

If you already follow Kornelia and are a fan, you'll want to listen in here, too. And, if you're new to how much she knows and what she stands for, you won't want to miss this PAO Live Webinar.

Please join us!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Kornelia Brings Us Up to Date on her Mission’s Current Focus
• Ascension Is An Inside Job
Activating New Consciousness by Connecting with Source
• Heart Logic vs Head Logic
Finding the Best Balance
• Creative Light Vibration
The Power of the Spoken Word to Speak Our New World Into Being
• My Life is My Art ~ I Am Divine Creativity
Expressing Your Authentic Self, Courageously and Fearlessly
• My Core Value is freedom
Living Our Lives Beyond the Core Wounds of Our Past

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, July 23, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday July 23, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


New always use your own discernment

ET Contact and the Bible Before God with Paul Wallis

Source: Regina Meredith

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Kryon ~ Anxiety

Source: Lee Carroll on GoldenAgeofGaia


Understand that much of the anxiety and uneasiness you feel has to do with the evolution that is going on inside.

For those of you who have anxiety, fear, and uncertainty about the things you see around you, again, we tell you that the power of love can transform those feelings just as it did with grief.

If the intent is there and you stand up and claim the angel inside, the link will be there of transformation.

It’s absolute. It has to be, you know.

You are the powerful one.

It is you who we are here to enable through your intent—intent that will transform the anxiety and give you peace.

That’s what it’s about, is it not?

The transformation ~ the alchemy of the Human spirit into joy and peace in situations that would not normally seem to be conducive to that attribute?

That’s how you know when you are starting to become enlightened.

Your body starts to change.

Did you know that?

When you are able to become peaceful in situations which used to be very dramatic and unsettling to you, you have just crossed an important bridge ~ the one which honors pure intent, and that is the catalyst for enlightenment.

It represents the power of love at the highest level because it changes Human consciousness in a dramatic way.


From Kryon Book VII: Letters From Home, through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel (via

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Quantum Jump Easily! Manifest Your Highest Timeline Technique

Source: Luly Nova Starseed

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A Higher Frequency Life: Interview with Positive Life

Source: Positive Life

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