
Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Portal 7.7 We are heading to the Portal of Syria. During these days we will feel like something is stirring inside us showing the deepest part of the soul.


Portal 7.7
We are heading to the Portal of Syria.
During these days we will feel like something is stirring inside us showing the deepest part of the soul. It's the new energy coming in cleaning and releasing before the new rebirth.
It will be advisable to go out and connect more than ever with nature, take your crystals or Geometries and leave them in the earth to renew and charge of this new light and all the elements. Then keep them in a box, closet or sacred place, so you will take this new energy home.
You can also meditate and tune in from your channel as new information will be coming down.
Sirio is a feline, independent and protective energy that prepares us for big changes, but don't try to force situations or be right by force it won't work, we'll have to flow and wait for everything to fall back together and be as it has to be.
Alcyone Council Syrian connection.
With Love, Light Warrior, Blue-Ray Lyran Stellar Seed, Kristie Griswell 🤍🙏🌹✨

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