
Saturday, July 15, 2023

Paul White Gold Eagle On this day we have massive energetics flowing into this realm from the Great central Sun of the most High.


On this day we have massive energetics flowing into this realm from the Great central Sun of the most High. These higher dimensional frequencies are preparing all Starseeds Earth Angelics for tomorrow's next 7:7:7 Portal on Sunday the 16th of July. Keep anchoring in the Keys and Codes of our New Earth into the Crystalline Core of Mother Earth. We are having big blasts of White Light on the Schumann Charts. The Great Spirit is always speaking to our Ground Crew of the 144 through omens, synchronicities, geometry, symbolism and numbers. On the Schumann Charts today we receive our 73 Code of our 37 into the 73 of merging Heaven and Earth. The Love Waves are flooding Gaia with the Bliss and Joy of our Pure Awareness of Buddha Mind. Continue rising in the light as we are on the precipice of our Great Shift into the NEw Golden Age of Eternal Life…A’Ho!

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