
Sunday, July 2, 2023

Everything you are experiencing right now is exactly what is needed by your soul for your growth.


Everything you are experiencing right now is exactly what is needed by your soul for your growth. Accept it with grace, surrender ALL (yes, warts and all!), to your Holy Presence.
You are here now, not only for personal growth but the growth of this planet.
This is a unique moment in Earth’s history. It is also an exceptional time for your own growth. We have been granted special dispensations to discharge/release and purify much more than in a normal incarnation. This is a time of accelerated energies, which is why things seem to be occurring thick and fast at times. Remain calm, and from that inner calmness you will KNOW and FEEl what you are required to do next to assist Lady Gaia and everyone, for we are but ONE. ONE LOVE and LIGHT.
You are part of a much bigger plan than any of us can conceive with our earthly minds. On your multidimensional level you very much innerstand what is happening. If you have questions, ask your team within and your Holy Presence for guidance. You have to ask! Don’t assume anything.
Thank you all for being here NOW and extending your LOVE to ALL.
With deepest LOVE and gratitude.

  • Josephine 💕💖🌟
    Thank you artist.

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