
Thursday, July 6, 2023

A LINE UP COMING SOON The line-up coming in is the most extraordinary one we're going to be able to perceive



The line-up coming in is the most extraordinary one we're going to be able to perceive to a certain point, because we don't have the technology to be able to do it.

Not only are the 5 planets going to line up, but also the galaxies, constellations and universes.

The meaning of 7 in numerology is that of Perfection, as our Heavenly Father who is Perfect, symbolizes our immaterial part, and connection to the Creative Principle. Portal 777 (Day seven of month seven of year 2023: 2+0+2+3=7).

The Aquarius Age, the age of individual enlightenment and the brotherhood of Man, will only fully manifest after a purification process. Being the teacher Jesus "the anointed" who inaugurated the Pisces era told us:

“When the sign of Man comes, he will give you light in all things.”

We all want to see things happen with minimum suffering and maximum benefit, but the reality we must accept is the manifestation of GOD-LOVE-LAW.

Points of Light

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