
Thursday, June 8, 2023

Let the Universe Serve You by Lady Quan Yin

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Greetings from Galactic Heart...

"This morning I woke up feeling sad for the world. I feel overwhelmed by the chaos. I guess you could say, I feel a little lost."

In my meditation, my guides wanted me know that the delays are over and many of the things I have so steadfastly held in my heart for Gaia are at the ready to unfold. You can turn that frown into a smile because we see that your heart knows the Truth, it is just your doubting mind showing up. They continued to praise me for living with courage and determination to stay aligned with my mission. I walked away feeling optimistic once again.

I'm sharing this because it is a message for all Starseeds. This has not been an easy journey. We have grown a lot and learned more about consciousness and Love. We are about to enter another chapter. IT IS ABOUT TO BE MORE FUN THAN WE CAN IMAGINE!

Let's come together for this month's webinar and collectively shine so much Love on Gaia and all her people that everyone feels LIGHTER!

Truly, Together we are Victorious!


Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for June


Behold! the cosmic orchestra, performing the universe’s ethereal music. Right now, we who are awake exist in an age of uncertainty. Our formerly black and white world is split into many shades of grey. Doubt is everywhere. Nothing remains as it was.

Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith return to discuss the dilemmas of our time. They tackle the issue of 5G and other alarming environmental perils, and give us practical ways to cope. They also address the Great Split between the awake and those who are not; and explain how we can create a comfortable living space in their midst.

As we approach Ascension, we notice our growing intolerance to things of this world. We are becoming allergic to the 3D environment, which rapidly is becoming as alien to us as we are to it. Pia and Cullen describe how and why this is happening and suggest ways we can manage the ‘condition’.

WANTED More Live Webinar Attendees

Finally, there is the issue of time itself. Pia and Cullen answer the
question we so often ask ourselves, ‘what happened to the day?’

Buttressed by the wisdom of Laarkmaa, Pia and Cullen offer a refreshing and revitalizing perspective that will open our eyes and minds to the larger
truths that harmonize the cosmos, of which we all are a part.

This month, reach for the stars and join us.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Pia and Cullen Bring Us Up to Date on their Mission’s Current Focus
• Time Acceleration
Why Each Day is Whizzing By
• Feeling the Great Split
Dealing with Being Awake and Understanding the Uninformed
• Environmental Effects On Humans
Solar Radiation-5G Contamination-Geomagnetic Activity
• Ascension Hypersensitivity
Dealing with the Aligning of Our Higher Vibrations
• Laarkmaa's Update On Our Evolutionary Progress
Pia Shares a Live Q & A Session with Laarkmaa

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, June 25, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday June 25, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here.

Cost: $20.00 U.S


Awaken In The 5th DIMENSION: The Great Shift Has BEGUN!

Source: Next Level Soul with Riz Mirza

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Source: Patricia Cota Robles

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Let the Universe Serve You by Lady Quan Yin

Source: Natalie Glasson~OmNa

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Greetings to all beings of light upon the Earth. I am Lady Quan Yin, I come with love and peace to embrace you. I come to empower your soul, and to support the synthesis of your soul, with your physical body and higher aspects of your being. I am here to aid and assist your mastery, supporting you in delving deep within your being to discover the jewels, the gold, the precious qualities you have accepted as your own from and through the Creator.

Today I wish to speak of allowing the Universe of the Creator to serve you. Within the Universe of the Creator there are numerous levels and dimensions of energy. There are multiple vibrations and frequencies of light.

We can imagine that each light vibration and frequency is represented by a colour and that each holds a sacred and precious quality of the Creator. You can call upon one ray, vibration, frequency or light to pour over and through your being, so that you may absorb the quality of that energy or light vibration. It is almost like absorbing the vitamins and minerals of the Creator to support your own ascension upon the Earth.

You can also allow yourself to accept numerous rays, vibrations, and frequencies of light, like a collection of light vibrations, each with its own focus, creating a quality
when these energies come together. They create a certain synthesis, a unique energy, like a character. These vibrations and the synthesis that is created are unique, and every time you connect with the Universe of the Creator and the light vibrations, you will experience a different synthesis of light vibrations. It is like a rainbow and collection of colours that you receive, and each time you connect the collection of colours that you receive will be different, and their synthesis will create a different energy. Each time you connect it is different because there are so many diverse rays of light, and light vibrations within the Universe of the Creator. Another reason is that each time you connect with the Universe of the Creator you show yourself in a different way. Sometimes you allow wounds to show, other times you come forth connected to your essence. Other times, you have a focus or a purpose, a question, or something that you wish to receive or manifest. As you are different and diverse in each and every moment so is the Universe of the Creator. This makes it magical because whatever you need and require is always available to you. The Universe of the Creator can create a synthesis of light that supports you in any and every moment, this means that you have the constant support of the Universe of the Creator. You are able to access whatever you need in any given moment, the Universe of the Creator will not hold energies back. It shares with you, the fullness of the Creator.

I, Lady Quan Yin, invite you to contemplate this over the coming days. It takes much contemplation to realise how you are showing up to the Universe of the Creator. When you connect with the Universe of the Creator, when you ask for something from the Universe of the Creator, it is important to be fully aware of yourself in that moment.

▪ What are your thoughts?
▪ What are your emotions?
▪ How is your body feeling?
▪ Do you feel grounded?
▪ Do you feel connected?

There is no need to judge yourself in any way. It is simply an acceptance. A wonderful thing is that you can again become aware of yourself after receiving the energy of the Creator, and notice any shifts or transformations.

The second thing that I encourage you to contemplate, is that the Universe of the Creator is filled with qualities of the Creator, and they are so diverse and different. When you make a request, certain energies and qualities pull together, as if creating a rainbow unique to you, with qualities that are unique to you. It is for you to receive this rainbow, to let it flow over and through your being, to receive it, to absorb it, to recognise its impact upon your being. As you begin to play with this, you will notice your ability to receive, you will notice the energies that you do receive, as well as how the Universe of the Creator supports you. The outcome is that you can allow yourself to feel fully cradled, carried and supported in the Universe of the Creator.

When you work with the Universe of the Creator in this way, you are allowing the Universe of the Creator to serve you.

There is also a need to contemplate the request that you make. How do you make a request to the Universe of the creator? What do you request? In many ways this is for you to decide, to explore and experiment with. To make a request, I Lady Quan-Yin would invite you to feel the ground, the support of Mother Earth beneath you, to recognise the glowing light of your soul and the Creator within you, to breathe deeply.

To state that you are now in direct conversation with the Universe of the Creator. That all requests placed by you are received by the Universe of the Creator and that you are ready to receive the synthesis of Creator qualities from the Universe of the Creator.

Then make your request. What is it that you need, want, or require?

You may notice that when you make a request that serves your ascension, empowers you, you are more able to receive it. If something empowers your ego or a personality trait, you may not receive it in the way that you wished for. It is important to be aware that manifestation comes from embodiment.

You have the entire Universe of the Creator with you, supporting you, available to you, you can create multiple rainbows and receive them breathing them into your being and embodying them. There is no limit.

There is only the abundance of the Creator for you to receive.

Allow yourself to receive it now, on behalf of yourself and others.

I am Lady Kwan Yin. I thank you.



Source: Ann Albers and the Angels

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Are you in touch with your feelings on a regular basis? Most of you would answer "Yes." You know when you're happy, sad, or upset. Strong emotions are easy to recognize. However, It is an art to be more in touch with your subtle feelings – those first indicators that your mind and your mood are headed in a particular direction.

For example, suppose you wake up in a good mood. You are clear and focused on your priorities. You know what you need to do before work and have plenty of time. Then you get a text or receive an email that concerns you. You think about the issue as you go to eat your breakfast. You absentmindedly take more time than you meant to take. You get up and forget where you put your keys. You leave the house or get to work a little later than you planned. Nothing terrible has happened, but you are no longer focused or happy at this point. You may feel distracted, less focused, or a little worried. You may get upset when a coworker contacts you about an issue before you can settle into your workspace. If you're not careful, you can find yourself stressed and upset by the end of the day without realizing why.

For the sake of your happiness and vibrational well-being, it is a valuable skill to start paying more attention to your subtle feelings. In this example, suppose you recognized a slight shift in your emotions immediately after reading that text. You notice that suddenly you don't feel as good as you did a moment ago.

Now you can take corrective action. You can ask yourself, "What feels better?" You can look out the window and see the beautiful sky. You can think about a loved one. You can say a little prayer, give the problem to the Creator and get on with your day. You can refocus and reclaim your good mood in so many different ways. It is far easier to do this a little at a time than to resurrect a good feeling once you've allowed circumstances to erode your good mood.

We know that there are times when you are plunged into the depths. You lose a loved one, have a health scare, become concerned about finances, or feel a shockwave when someone is unkind to you. After one of these challenges, it is hard to feel good. We never ask you to feel good about things that don't. We simply remind you, with great love, that even when there are large, difficult circumstances in your life, there are always smaller things that can soothe you. There are always things to focus on that will feel better.

If you've lost a loved one, looking at happy photos or calling a good friend may be soothing. If someone has been unkind, praying or focusing on the good people in the world can be helpful. If you have a financial challenge, reminding yourself that you have the Creator of Universes working on your behalf can help. Talking to someone else who has a better perspective can help. Walking outside, looking at the sky, and reminding yourself of the vastness of creation can help. Perhaps a cup of tea and a good book is the key. If you're ill or worried about your body, remind yourself that when you sleep, silence your mind, or distract yourself with something happier, you are getting out of the way and allowing your cells to speak directly to God, who, in every moment, is directing the entire universe (your cells included) into a greater balance.

You can find so many things that can temporarily soothe, comfort, and uplift you. In so doing, slowly but surely, you take the small steps to a better feeling space.

By paying attention to your subtle feelings throughout the day, you can much more easily give yourself the love you deserve, prevent the outer world from hijacking your joy, and even maintain better health. You deserve to feel good dear ones, not only about the "big" things in life but in a thousand little ways each day. Look for the things that inspire soothing, comfort, relief, or joy. Be with them more often in your thoughts. That way, when the "darkness of ignorance and misunderstanding" presents itself to you – be it via a news article, a disturbing story, or the person that cuts you off in traffic – then you can go back to choosing your news, your views, and therefore your mood.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

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