
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Friday, June 9, 2023

Incoming light


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Greetings from Galactic Heart...

"This morning I woke up feeling sad for the world. I feel overwhelmed by the chaos. I guess you could say, I feel a little lost."

In my meditation, my guides wanted me know that the delays are over and many of the things I have so steadfastly held in my heart for Gaia are at the ready to unfold. You can turn that frown into a smile because we see that your heart knows the Truth, it is just your doubting mind showing up. They continued to praise me for living with courage and determination to stay aligned with my mission. I walked away feeling optimistic once again.

I'm sharing this because it is a message for all Starseeds. This has not been an easy journey. We have grown a lot and learned more about consciousness and Love. We are about to enter another chapter. IT IS ABOUT TO BE MORE FUN THAN WE CAN IMAGINE!

Let's come together for this month's webinar and collectively shine so much Love on Gaia and all her people that everyone feels LIGHTER!

Truly, Together we are Victorious!


Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for June


Behold! the cosmic orchestra, performing the universe’s ethereal music. Right now, we who are awake exist in an age of uncertainty. Our formerly black and white world is split into many shades of grey. Doubt is everywhere. Nothing remains as it was.

Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith return to discuss the dilemmas of our time. They tackle the issue of 5G and other alarming environmental perils, and give us practical ways to cope. They also address the Great Split between the awake and those who are not; and explain how we can create a comfortable living space in their midst.

As we approach Ascension, we notice our growing intolerance to things of this world. We are becoming allergic to the 3D environment, which rapidly is becoming as alien to us as we are to it. Pia and Cullen describe how and why this is happening and suggest ways we can manage the ‘condition’.

WANTED More Live Webinar Attendees

Finally, there is the issue of time itself. Pia and Cullen answer the
question we so often ask ourselves, ‘what happened to the day?’

Buttressed by the wisdom of Laarkmaa, Pia and Cullen offer a refreshing and revitalizing perspective that will open our eyes and minds to the larger
truths that harmonize the cosmos, of which we all are a part.

This month, reach for the stars and join us.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Pia and Cullen Bring Us Up to Date on their Mission’s Current Focus
• Time Acceleration
Why Each Day is Whizzing By
• Feeling the Great Split
Dealing with Being Awake and Understanding the Uninformed
• Environmental Effects On Humans
Solar Radiation-5G Contamination-Geomagnetic Activity
• Ascension Hypersensitivity
Dealing with the Aligning of Our Higher Vibrations
• Laarkmaa's Update On Our Evolutionary Progress
Pia and Cullen Share a Live Q & A Session with Laarkmaa

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, June 25, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday June 25, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here.

Cost: $20.00 U.S


Disclosure - UFOs

Source: Ismael Perez

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The Incredible Impact of Eating Eggs Daily – Dr. Berg's Top Reasons for Doing It

Source: Dr. Berg

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Source: Mike Quinsey


The turmoil upon Earth continues unabated and in reality Mankind has no idea how it will end or what can be done to minimise its effects. New ideas are being incorporated so as to improve your and even artificial intelligence is now being taken seriously. In fact it has already been used by the military to create soldiers of war. It is clear that they can be used for peaceful means that take armed conflict to another level.

The question is whether you can control such usage or will the war be fought by non-human forces. It is looking into the future and deciding what controls can be exerted that will avoid Armageddon. A great decision has to be made as to whether you will give up ambitions for world control or use your new found powers to establish peace. We are waiting to see which path you will choose as we stand by to assist you to establish a peaceful community if that is your choice. Your whole future stands ahead of you waiting to see which path you will follow.

Meantime you struggle to bring about some resemblance of Law and Order when the prospect of a Word War looms large should the powers that be make the wrong decision. The future lays in your hands but be assured that without usurping your freewill we stand with you prepared to help you deal with the challenges that face you. Instead of reaching out for guns to settle your disputes why not come together and bring about the trust that is needed to settle matters peacefully.

Let peace be declared and agreements made to put an end to actions of provocation because you will solve nothing by continually confronting each other with threats of violence. It is well past the time for Humanity to grow up and put fear aside and make a proclamation of lasting peace.

Certainly the people are tired of continual warlike utterances and threats that could obliterate Humanity. Give a voice to those who advocate peace and take away the power that the warmongers use against you. As soon as you can set up a Council for World Peace the sooner real and lasting peace will be achieved.

Dear Ones, you have everything to gain by coming together for peace, and if you do we shall be waiting in the wings to assist in every way possible. We use our power of persuasion to lead you onto a path of peace, but we do not force the issue as the final decision is yours.

How joyful it would be if you succeeded in establish world peace as it is not as far away as you might imagine. The people of the world are tired of war and all it means in loss of life and property. In these depressing times they need a boost so that they know that the future promises an end to all hostilities.


The power of thought is getting stronger as more people realise that war never solved a problem but makes matters worse. Give the people some hope for the future and lift their spirits. The coming together of different nations would create a powerful voice for permanent peace.

Where are your leaders that are ready to take on the challenge bringing about world peace, because they are already upon Earth seeking an opportunity to come to the fore. Trust is the byword for peace but can nations broker a peaceful agreement that will hold. Visitors to Earth need to know that it will be safe to do so and look to Man to clean up its act.

You were never meant to be permanently isolated upon Earth but as you must know by now, visitors have been kept away so as to ensure your evolution was not affected by outside influences. Your freewill has been guarded so that you developed in the right way necessary for your advancement.

In time you will of course meet your many friends and naturally your real family. Yes, your many lives upon Earth have reached out to many other beings who have joined you in a way that was helping you evolve. You have so many friends waiting to renew acquaintances with you.

Life is not a series of accidental meetings and experiences but is carefully planned to give you every opportunity to grow. It is why you have many brothers and sisters from other realms working with you to help ensure your experiences are part of your onward progress to fulfilment. You are never alone in your quest to learn more about life and evolution.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.



Source: John Smallman

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As humanity waits expectantly for its collective awakening, we in the spiritual or non-physical realms are flooding the Earth and all her sentient life forms with Love and healing energies. We are massively strengthening your individual life force-fields as you undergo the intense and ongoing energy frequency changes or transmutations that are part of your awakening process. Events of a seemingly momentous nature are occurring world-wide, putting you all under enormous stress. Know that it is certain that these will be resolved, and that you will awaken.

As you all assist one another, all of humanity, to come to a full awareness of the insanity of so many of your present forms of interaction – one on one or globally – your main task is just to be. I cannot sufficiently emphasize the importance of this. Just being is allowing yourselves not to engage angrily, fearfully, or judgmentally when you get “triggered.”

Everyone gets triggered, it’s part of your collective as well as your individual egos. When that happens it is very important to be able to take a breath or two before responding – LOVINGLY. You know that Love is the only Reality, and yet you regularly get distracted from your awareness of that Truth, as you go about your daily lives and events or situations arise that displease you. Love is the only sane response in any situation or interaction, and that is what so many are finally beginning to realize.

As Love continues to express Itself far more powerfully through each one of you, those who are engaging with life unlovingly will find that fewer and fewer people are willing to support them in their unacceptable words and actions. People are turning towards Love because they realize that nothing else works or ever has, and that LOVE DOES! Love, lovingly and honestly engaged with, heals ALL wounds. Love is your nature, Love is your Reality, Love is who you are. Remind yourselves frequently of this divine Truth.

Notice how the awakening process is continuing to express itself lovingly in all of your lives by softening your feelings as they arise, and by bringing to your attention the intense effectiveness of being loving instead of judging, blaming, or condemning either yourselves or others for perceived errors, dishonest actions, or intentional deceit. You are all God’s beloved children, and therefore your intent is always to be loving, even though as humans in form you frequently forget this. To awaken is to remember this and put it into practice in your daily lives. You know that this is the only meaningful and honest way to live, but your egos continuously draw to your attention times or memories when others have, in your opinion, treated you unjustly or unfairly.


These times or memories are very deeply embedded because you c h o s e to be hurt and offended when they occurred. But you can only be hurt or offended if you c h o o s e to accept these unkind and invalid offerings from others and dwell on them, thus confirming your own inner feelings of unacceptability or unworthiness. As you do know, deep within yourselves, you cannot possibly be unacceptable or unworthy, because you are the beloved children of God, created in Love for eternal Joy.

However, all of you, during infancy and childhood, were to some extent shamed, disgraced, and judged unworthy, and at that early stage of your lives – when you were still partially aware of your apparent choice to separate from Mother/Father/God – you were already carrying an underlying sense of guilt. Your egos built on this in order to be able to direct and control you, and have indeed been very successful in doing so. And yet you all do have an underlying sense that this cannot be right, that you do have a right to be, and that the negative judgment of others is invalid. This knowing is unsettling, and your egos have done an excellent job of using this to undermine your belief in yourselves – the knowing of your divine nature with which God inspired you at the moment of your creation, an infinitely long time before you were born into form as a human infant.

Yes, as humans in form your egos are useful, but when you developed them it was with that intent alone, to have them be helpful. However, because of the kind of environment you constructed in which to experience separation, you found it useful to give them increasing amounts of power or control over you by allowing them to direct your bodies’ emotional responses to events and situations that arose in your lives, and you saw others doing likewise. You, as it were, withdrew from the decision making process and allowed your egos free reign. This has been occurring for many eons, and now is the time to reclaim your sovereignty from your unwise and fearful egos.

You are Sovereign Beings, so reclaim your Sovereignty NOW!

As you have been told so often, and as I now repeat again, it is absolutely essential that you spend quiet time alone daily with all means of communication silenced. During this quiet time a l l o w yourselves to be free from all thoughts or anxieties; when they arise be aware of them and choose not to attend to them. Just focus on resetting your intent to be only loving whatever arises during the day – deep within you all this is always your intent, and you do know it – then invite Love to flow freely into your hearts, and from there to flow through you out into the world to assist everyone in their individual awakening processes. EVERYONE is awakening, even if that does not appear to you to be the case. And, you can assist them, in fact you are assisting them, unless you make a very positive egoic choice not to do so.

You all know that your present life as humans has a deeply spiritual purpose. Mostly, of course, you spend much time either dismissing that possibility so that you can focus on ‘reality,’ your demanding daily human lives and the responsibilities that they entail, or you spend time wondering how you, inadequate and unworthy as you believe yourselves to be, could possibly have such a purpose.

So, once again, I must remind you that as Divine Beings all your doubts and worries about inadequacy for your task or unworthiness to serve Mother/Father/God are utterly and completely invalid. God created you all as perfect beings like unto Herself, and what She creates is unchanging, and eternally Divine. Once again, LET GO of your Ego-driven doubts and anxieties, and allow yourselves to feel and be fully aware of the Love that you are in every moment, even when you lose your cool and react angrily to someone. That loss of control, or, more correctly, relinquishment of control to your egos is an unreal, and only momentary expression of your feelings. Your feelings are always valid, but it is generally unloving to express them in an attack or a judgment of either yourselves or others, as often they are fleeting, inappropriate, and will quickly pass if you do not cling to them, a habit that many have difficulty breaking.

BE KIND. That is your nature, and enjoy the peace and contentment that result.

With so very much love, Saul.

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