
Sunday, May 14, 2023

Your DNA will evolve from two helixels to twelve helixels. These twelve propellers match the energy centers, or chakras,


Your DNA will evolve from two helixels to twelve helixels. These twelve propellers match the energy centers, or chakras, inside and outside the body. Millions of you on the planet right now are on a mission and have agreed to charge the frequency to make it happen. Some of y'all are becoming flawless, and those fists are affecting others. You will soon begin to have greater clarity on who you are and your mission.
This process is an incredible evolutionary leap for anyone to be involved in, and it will happen on an accelerated track for the next twenty years. There are those who have already received a realignment of the twelve DNA tapes, the twelve propellers.
These 12 DNA spirals interact with each other inside and outside the body. The connection of the twelve wires means that the twelve centers of power or information can begin to work and send information to each other. When human DNA starts to group together like a twelve-filament helix system and this information is put into practice, there will be incredible power. Individuals, simply by uniting and intention together what they desire - jointly becoming a telepathic receptacle for energies of the whole cosmos - will change the face of the universe.
Be the living Guardians of the Frequency. When light is brought into your body, it fires off your light-coded filaments and helps regroup DNA, creating a shift in frequency. Frequency is what you know Frequency is your identity. It is what you ARE .

1 comment:

  1. Hi how can we accelerate this process and how do we ensure that we consciously assist in activating the 12 strand DNA.. thanks 🙏
