
Saturday, May 27, 2023

What is 5D


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Did you miss Sunday’s Galactic Activation Webinar?

This show was really amazing. He's got so much information that no one else talks about and is very beneficial to us all. Thanks for having him on, and bring him back soon! Jeri C

I was there and it was amazing every second. Jared is amazing. BB

Our webinar with Jared Rand is now available as a download. Order your copy today - click here.

Selamat Ja!

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It’s been several months since Jared Rand joined our circle. Many of you have asked for him: now, he's back, bringing his wide-ranging worldview and incisive comments to shine Light on the dark and roiling global agenda that surrounds us.

Just as our spirits begin to relax into some kind of ‘normal’ after the reign of pandemic terror, we are noticing the upsurge of dire and dogged voices
warning about climate change. Can this be the newest ‘Covid’?

Is global warming a clear and present danger, or is this yet another psychological terror attack against us? Jared clears away the webs of uncertainty, and puts our situation in context with his usual clarity.

In the meantime, the rocketing cost of living haunts our days and shatters any plans for the future. We yearn for the long-promised abundance program to manifest. How much longer must we wait for debt forgiveness? Jared is keen to tell us.

And, realizing our need to know, Jared gives us a detailed progress report on the Celestial Chambers project.


It is a rare treat to have Jared back. We welcome him in anticipation of the information and wise counsel, common sense and kindly comfort he consistently provides.

We invite you to join us, to bask in the glow and flow of our Galactic Activation Webinar this month.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Jared Brings Us Up to Date on His Mission’s Current Focus
• A Revised Globalist Agenda
Shifting from Pandemic to Climate Modification
• Reassessing Abundance
Releasing the Shackles of Debt Slavery
• Celestial Chambers
Progress Report
• The Challenge of Accelerated Chaos in Our World
Humanity’s Rapidly Awakening

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-62 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

Jaredj Rand Bio

Living Beyond Duality

Source: Kenneth Schmitt - Conscious Expansion


Nothing in life just happens to us for no reason. We are incarnated here to learn about the energies of duality. Through our perspective, our thoughts and feelings, we project energetic vibrations that come back to us in the form of our physical experiences and conditions. We have become intimately familiar with a wide spectrum of dark, negative energies. We know what they feel like and how they diminish life. Now we have found out more than we wanted, and our sojourn in the realm of duality can come to an end.

When we recognize the difference between negativity and positivity, we can trace them to our creative life-Source and our free will to think and feel however we want. By directing our imagination and emotions to the vibratory range of what we love and desire in every moment, we become capable of sensing our heart-consciousness and deepest intuition. This fills our awareness with gratitude and joy, carrying us beyond personal limitations.

By living in a state of compassion and understanding, we gain access to knowing our own essence beyond space and time. We can open ourselves to greater awareness within universal consciousness. As we continue to live in the radiance of the consciousness of our heart, our awareness opens to sharing the awareness of all conscious beings, including every cell in our body. Everything vibrates in resonance to our state of being. How we feel about ourselves determines our vibratory level and how much love we allow ourselves to experience.

As we align our perspective with the guidance of our heart through our intuition, we can open ourselves to ever greater genius and understanding. We can live in progressively better situations, as we learn to align ourselves more closely with life-enhancing energies. There are many of us now, who are choosing to live in gratitude, love and joy, and we are transforming the consciousness of humanity.

Living a heart-centered life creates experiences that we love. While experiencing human life, we can be aware of our vast consciousness and magnificent potential. Applying this awareness to our human experience allows us to direct our lives in ways that we deeply desire. The limiting beliefs that we have held about ourselves become unbelievable in the light of our infinite presence of awareness. In the dimension beyond duality we can be the creators of the lives that we truly want.



Source: Sophia Love

May 27, 2023
The song included below has been playing in my home all morning! It is with real joy that I share the following. These messages were given on 5.25.23 and today, 5.27.23.

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I woke up (5.25.23) knowing that something had changed, things felt viscerally different. It was an odd sensation and stayed with me for hours. Later that day, the following conversation occurred:

It is the One.

Can you tell me what I was feeling this morning?

You are experiencing what it feels like to sense the collective’s journey. What changed last night is that a “war lord” was executed. This drastically alters the fight and speeds the trajectory. You are on a faster course of action at this point. It means an acceleration.

This is what you feel. You feel “off” because the speed of your movement towards liberation has increased. You feel “behind” and as if you aren’t ready for it all. The other thing you feel is that you have “missed the boat”. You feel late or behind, and this agitates you.

Nothing “bad” accelerates. This was an unexpected victory and many players remove themselves as a result of the departure. It is good news for the movement. It is good news for the planet and its people.
You may notice major shifts in direction. The fallout is real. All of the forces are rejuvenated because of this outing. All of the forces are inspired now because without this player, the clean-up will be quicker.

Those who see that this can happen to one at such a level, are jumping ship or offing themselves or turning “state’s evidence”. All of this helps the Alliance. All of this means a quicker ending to the battle. This you feel as agitation and change. It is not an easy vibe.

I was woken in the early morning hours. The following conversation took place:

It is the One.

Things have happened. We will discuss them now.

The controllers have been defeated. Their direct influence here is over. Their reign is finished.

What happens next is anyone’s guess. The human players of their games may or may not know of their defeat. What they do know however, is that they have everything to lose once they are discovered and outed. It’s up to Man to determine what will be done now. For the major force of the controllers is just gone.

You will see, and quite clearly now, who is promoting fear and division still. These will be humans who see no problem in capitalizing on fear; i.e., taking advantage of it to make money.
What will play out now will be most telling. What you should see, if you are to believe in the fact that there is an Alliance for “good” in charge – are major disclosures of all kinds.

The cabal is no longer a threat. The War has been won.

What happens now will be rapid and it will be a grand unveiling. Much will be apparent to those who know the Truth.

You will quickly discern each player’s loyalty, and see who or what is propelling them. It will be obvious.

This story plays out for years. Yet now, the motivation and desire of each one of you will be what is driving your life. This is the reason we focused so much (recently) on control of your conscious creative ability. It will be useful and will only expand in the atmosphere of today.

The battle is over. The light has won.

You are now “held down” only by those humans who sold their souls for profit and who have only their own protection and benefit as a driving force. Watch carefully. The playbook is about to get interesting.

This is what I wanted to tell you today. We will speak again.

That is all.
Thank you.
So that’s it! Please share in the comments if you have noticed anything from your perspective.
This is cause for celebration! It is time for us to roll up our sleeves and actively engage in building New Earth! I love you all so very much. It is an honor to share this moment! Please share it wherever you feel inspired to.

With deep appreciation,


Committed to Love 24/7.

Source: Nicky Hamid

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In your Lovingness Constantly

What is 5D (the 5th Dimension)?

I have not come across anyone who has defined “5D” adequately though it is bandied about by so many. I am not innocent of this but when I use it I am NOT pointing to a place. I am pointing to a State of Being where PURE LOVE is the constant background of all experience and fear, grief and attachments are not at all present.

It is NOT an identity, a badge we wear or define that sets us apart from anyone else.

it is a state of BEING in which LOVE and LIGHT is behind, above, beyond, within and without Everything.

Can You be Totally Committed to LOVE?

There are no half measures you either commit yourself to becoming LOVE 24/7 or you don't yet. And there is no judgement of less or inferior here for we are all points of Light within the Mind of God (Source).And if you have jumped then you have accepted that you are multidimensional and that what you see about you with one eye is the breaking up and disintegration of the human version of 3D. (Note: I say "version" and not "removal" or "disappearance").And you cannot take your baggage with you. Fear does not exist in LOVE Beingness (5D). And thus the shit has hit the fan for everyone. No one is immune not you nor I.
So you are being given the choice, daily, no hourly, no every second, every choose Love or continue to play with a 1001 distractions that bind you to the old version of 3D.

(Note: I say "version" and not "removal" or "disappearance" ).

Becoming Rich in the Possibilities of Life

If it is true that you are dropping all the identities that have defined you (as separated self) and limited your knowing of who you are, it is likely that you are also finding that there is no name, or group, or role or any other aspect of personality that strictly defines you.
And if you are finding more and more place in the ‘no-thing-ness”, the void, the space between, the Divine neutrality of you, then you will be discovering that you can be anything you like.You are in fact Infinite Possibility, unlimited things you can imagine, Infinite opportunities to Know and an Infinity of experiences and aspects of Self. You Now become rich with Possibilities and without the preconceived notions of what you “should” be, everything is fresh, new and with an increasing depth and dimensions that were always possible and can be experienced because nothing is closed to you any more.

You Become the Change You Have Always Sought

And the magic is that as this happens for you others can no longer put you in a “box” and be in your Presence, or even ‘see’ you. because you no longer present anything to cling on to. You may even notice that people will look through you as if you are not even there, because you no longer exist in the reality that they are holding at that time. And so to stay in their company, as it were, a new version of them (5D and higher) has to turn up.

WE have no more time for ‘shams” because WE make no room for them in our living frequency space. And yet WE Love each and every one without any need for them to be other than they see themselves, because as We are All Infinite Possibility, they too are making their own unique and fantastically imagined journey back to Self.

I So Love You


How To Communicate With Extraterrestrials (ETs): They DO NOT Want You To KNOW THIS!

Source: Michael Sandler - interviews De. Steven Greer

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Source: Extreme Mysteries

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