
Monday, May 29, 2023

WE Are NOW Entering a NEW Dimension of CRYSTALLINE TIME SPACE! Negativity CANNOT Exist in this State


WE Are NOW Entering a NEW Dimension of CRYSTALLINE TIME SPACE!
Negativity CANNOT Exist in this State of BEing Because this is a State of Expanded GOD SOURCE Consciousness!
In this Dimension. . . there is NO Degradation Because All of our DNA Molecules are in Alignment in a CRYSTALLINE Structure!
The World WE have Known is DISSOLVING. . .
and WE Are Creating the HU-man Energetics that ALLOW All of us to Realize the Reality of Living in a HIGHER Dimension!
As WE Leave the 3D Realm of fear. . . doubt. . . enslavement and mortality from our Realization. . .
WE can Open our SELVES to and Align with the ENERGY in the Heart-Consciousness of our Essence!
So. . . WE Keep Raising our Vibrational Frequencies as our Expanded Consciousness and GROUND the Incoming Rainbow CODES!!!
Pars Kutay
Photo: Incoming Divine Energies of Rainbow Codes - captured over Tampa Bay, Florida on 28.05.2023 by Bryan Bennett

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