
Wednesday, May 31, 2023

June of 2023 will be Packed with Powerful Energetic Events, starting with total Celestial Magic -


June of 2023 will be Packed with Powerful Energetic Events, starting with total Celestial Magic - Jupiter Conjunct True North Node in Taurus. Jupiter is the Galactic Activator, and when it aligns with the Celestial Point, that represents our Highest Timeline - the impact is truly Profound... We will also journey through deeply healing Full Moon in Sagittarius and 6-6 Portal Day, carrying the Powerful Frequency of Unconditional Love and Oneness and Divine Union Activations. Another Major Event will happen in 2nd part of June - Summer/Winter Solstice Gateway on June 21st, bringing powerful Solar Energies down to Earth and anchoring the Quantum Leap in Consciousness. And so much more!...

June 1st - Jupiter conjunct True North Node in Taurus

June 3rd/4th - Full Moon in Sagittarius

June 6th - 6-6 Energy Portal Day

June 17th- Saturn Retrograde in Pisces

June 17th/18th - New Moon in Gemini

June 21st - June Solstice Gateway June

30th - Neptune Retrograde in Pisces ~divineenergyworks


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