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I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Tuesday, May 16, 2023



GESARA is the global version of NESARA. It was created over many incarnations by Ascended Master St. Germain just before and after the fall of Atlantis till today to bring huge sums of money into the hands of the Meek, which alone know how to Caregive Mother Earth's Land and have been suppressed in the DS city control matrix, to use to replace all cities and eventually all money with Shambhala worldwide, starting in the US. Then all using their GESARA Millions can get 1 Hectare of Land in each local Shambhala Community forming with the Meek helping all become Meek and Gentle Kind Caregivers of Mother Earth's Land.
It started in 1978 and was supposed to come out Sept. 11, 2001 when the WTC Towers were collapsed. For the whole overview see Change is on the Horizon, Dawn of the Golden Age at This exposes all that is happening behind the scenes by primarily the EA Military worldwide to remove the DS cabal and its city control matrix worldwide. This, like all else, cannot be interpreted by the mind, which to some degree, created it in the first place.
The mind that is fast, that thinks it knows things, is the ego and is sick, the mind that is quiet is sane and the mind that is still is Divine, and the Divine is experienced and Lived from There. It is this Divine Still Awareness and Love that is removing all misperceptions and corruption in the world of forms. Only the Divine Love "Pandemic," spreading like wildfire, will transform the matrix of city slavery into Shambhala starting with You and Your Sangha. Read this relatively true news without speculation witnessing all without judgment in order for Intuition or Holy Spirit to guide you out of the full collapse of the DS control matrix happening now, as the human mind cannot solve these immeasurable problems and constantly creates new ones unawares. The news here is updated daily so mark this page and return to it daily and start reading from the next day where you left off the previous day. You can tell by the date. If you missed previous reports, the link is at the bottom of each report. Enjoy the news:
Russian group tied to former Moscow mayor's billionaire wife, Elena Baturina, who was previously married to Yuri Luzhkov, who served as mayor of Moscow but was fired for alleged corruption in 2010 sent Biden's business a $3.5M payment in Feb. 2014, for 'consultancy' work. In 2015, Biden also received several payments of several hundred thousand dollars from Baturina, several of which were listed as part of a 'loan agreement' that facilitated the illegal transfer of US-made tech to Russian airlines. $3.5M of aircraft parts made by Boeing and Airbus were sent to Russia. See
Benjamin Fulford on May 15 said, "In a sign Donald Trump is CIC, avatar Joe Biden has sent EA Military to the Mexican border to stop the onslaught of hundreds of thousands of military age foreign males trying to enter the US.
"Janet Yellen and the Biden regime sold off 26 million barrels of the Strategic Oil Reserves to try to delay US Inc's bankruptcy on June 1. Trump wants a default to trigger the Jubilee and take over the Federal Reserve so that the money stolen from The People can be returned to Them.
"Another sign Donald Trump is back in charge is that he was allowed to speak the truth on CNN.
"The FBI is refusing to comply with a subpoena for docs on the Biden corruption so EA Special Forces will have to raid FBI HQ and make arrests.
"The Satanic coronation of King Charles III (avatar or double) is a DS attempt to take over the QFS, which will fail and he will soon be removed by the EA Military.
"War criminals who need to be brought to justice are David Rockefeller Jr. Hillary and Bill Clinton, Mark Zuckerberg, John Podesta, Klaus Schwab (Rothschild) and the various other Rothschilds (with the possible exception of Nathaniel who has been cooperating with the EA Military), the Dutch Royal family, etc. We also need to go after top servants like Victoria Nuland, Eliot Abrams, Justin Castrudeau, Bill Gates, Larry Fink, Vladimir Zelensky, Alex Soros, Chrystia Freeland, Jens Stoltenberg, etc.
"In just one sign pointing to the extent of their war crimes, Col. Doug MacGregor said 'There are probably only 18 million people left in Ukraine now, there were originally 34.5 million and if you go back to the 1990s there were 80 million+ people living in Ukraine. This is a deliberate and massive genocide designed to kill men and enslave women and children for the purpose of torture and slavery. This did not happen during WW2, it is happening now. Any gov't official expressing support for what is being done in Ukraine is a war criminal and will be dealt with as such.
"We can confirm EA Military action against these people is underway. Top Pentagon Gen. Mark Milley is dead. Pentagon sources confirmed, 'Gen. Milley was replaced by an avatar and CGI.' Blackhawk helicopters have converged on Washington DC. To hide their movements, weather cameras were shut along US coastlines."
The Kobeissi Letter on May 15 said, "Total US household debt rose by $148B in the first quarter of 2023 to a total of $17.05T, first time in history that total US household debt crossed $17T. Breakdown of the large categories: 1. Mortgage debt from $121B+ to $12.04T, 2. Auto loans from $10B+ to $1.56T, 3. Student loans from $9B+ to $1.6T, 4. Credit card debt unchanged at $986B. Debt levels continue to hit new records every quarter despite the fastest rising interest rates in history. Consumers have run out of money and are using debt to 'fight' inflation.
"Auto loan and credit card interest rates just hit a record high on May 15. Average interest rates: 1. credit cards at 25%, 2. used cars at 14% and new cars at 9%. We also have new record levels of debt: 1. total household debt at $17.1T, 2. auto loans at $1.6T, 3. credit card debt at $986B. The worst part is that student loan payments are set to resume this summer with a record $1.6T in student loan debt. The debt crisis is growing."
US Treasury cash on May 15 is down to $140B.
See NYC Mayor Eric Adams wants to revoke 'Sanctuary City' status amid illegal migrant invasion at
Pakistan is on the verge of default, in deep trouble as National protests continue, and is facing full economic meltdown as the Country runs out of cash and energy and food costs continue to escalate. Pakistan has $275B+ of debt and requires over $30B to service its debt and purchase fuel and food over the next 6 months. An urgent bailout was needed and Pakistan was in discussions with the IMF about a bailout loan, however the IMF refused to release the $1B bailout cash and wants Pakistan to agree to a variety of terms and conditions that have not been met.
Obama's CIA, DoJ, FBI, DNI, State Dept, Clinton campaign, etc., conspired with foreign spies and the entire msm, to knowingly push a massive lie to obstruct Trump's presidency and then tried to use it to overthrow him. That's how the coup d'Γ©tat went.
Pres. Trump said on the Durham Report May 15, "It affected the 2020 presidential election. This is a disgrace and something should be done about it. This is the DS who ran the US gov't for a long period of time. Total vindication. And now something should happen. The American public was scammed, just as it is being scammed right now."
On May 15 Argentina's central bank hiked its base interest rate by 6 points to 97% as the gov't prepares to announce a spate of measures to tackle soaring inflation.
After Putin warned UK PM Sunak Russia destroyed the UK's long-range 'Storm Shadow' missiles in Ukraine.
Tesla shareholder meeting will be in Austin, TX on May 16.
A huge China-Central Asia Summit will be held in Xi'an this week. Leaders of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan will meet with China's Pres. Xi. They are all Muslim Countries and border Xinjiang. They know the truth about the Uyghurs, unlike the US fake news. They are all focusing on development and infrastructure of highways, railways, gas pipelines, FDI, trade, etc.
The US Dept of Transportation suffered a cyberattack that led to the theft of data of 237K current and former employees on May 15.
The Chief of the Supreme Court, judge Vsevolod Knyazev, of Ukraine was arrested for receiving a bribe of $3M. He is Zelensky's man since Dec. 1, 2021.
Stoltenberg confirmed on May 15 that he will soon leave the post of Sec. General of the NATO military alliance.
To be continued....
Please read:
The only practicable solution to the apparent World Crisis all Humanity is now experiencing as in this news of outer events, is to recognize that they reflect our inner state of Awareness or lack of It. So for those who don't look inside to See what are their predominant thought patterns are and how it shapes their outer lives unconsciously, will keep repeating egoic patterns that cause the same or similar problems, with no true apparent solution. True Awakening from the person or ego is the only solution to all these problems. You may want to read, "A New Earth: Discovering Your Life's Purpose" by Eckhart Tolle. Once Seen, they begin to dissolve and something new can occur, not before. See this for a start at, and let Holy Spirit guide you from then on. You can also contact me for guidance.
I also recommend reading all 10 Books of the Ringing Cedars of Russia series by Vladimir Megre of Anastasia of Vedic Russia at, to See how mankind fell in Awareness, got into this mess, and the Conscious way out back to Divine Vedic Culture currently lost worldwide. Shambhala Sangha Kaua'i uses this Vision. We have Land worldwide and are at the forefront of Creating Shambhala Communities worldwide to replace all cities and eventually money as we bring Humanity back into the forgotten, yet everywhere Prophesied Permanent Golden Age at our doorsteps. Namaste.
Part 42 at

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