
Tuesday, May 16, 2023

EVERYTHING IS IN ORDER! *There is not a single soul on Earth that doesn't participate in this project.


*There is not a single soul on Earth that doesn't participate in this project.
Darkness as light, have their purpose and purpose. This will be clear to all in a future time..
*Intense change is happening right now in and around the Earth. She has been comfortably removed from her axis so that renovations are possible.
There's no reason to panic, let's watch from our I Soy and be spectators of the process..
The hearts and collective consciousness of Humanity have reached such a high level, that disasters can no longer occur and this is thanks to all of us, the workers of Light, the Galactic beings incarnate...
Massive events will happen one after the other, and will lead to greater global awakenings.
There can only be one fully guaranteed way, in the end result...
And that is: Enlightenment, Ascension and Freedom...
Everything passes and must go through the whirlwind of change to bring renewal, we also go through this whirlwind, actively working on our inner Being..
Points of light.
Thank you.

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