
Friday, May 12, 2023

...a yogini who was asking Shri Mataji how we can solve our problems,


"I recently heard an experience of a yogini who was asking Shri Mataji how we can solve our problems, even the big ones that seem insurmountable.
Shri Mataji told her, “You have to be in the witness state.”
The yogini replied, “But Mother I don’t know how to be in the witness state.”
Shri Mataji then said, “You have to see the problem, and at that point you will have it in your Agnya. Now if you don’t surrender it, if you don’t send it in your Sahasrara I can’t solve it. You have to surrender it and once [it] is in your Sahasrara, there are a lot of angels and deities which can’t wait to solve your problems and fulfill your desires. Watch your problem and surrender it.” "
Source : Unknown

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