
Sunday, April 30, 2023

Unlocking The Mystery of Indigo Children: What You Need To Know


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April's GALACTIC Webinar is ready for on image.

Dear Colleen and Miles, Debbie was such a breath of fresh air, much like Jared Rand. Bless you both for this new resource and I ask that you have her return again soon, just as you do with Jared! God bless you both for the difference you are making in our lives!
Judy H

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Gene Decode: Hidden Knowledge

Source: RealGeneDecode

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The LAST GASP of the Patriarchy

Source: Regina Meredith's Bite Sized Wisdom

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Living the Mystical Life While on Earth

Source: Marilyn Raffaele

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Dear readers welcome once again to our message. You are known and your courage admired as those on this side observe your struggle to break free from the dense cocoons of belief that have served only to hold you in bondage to illusion over lifetimes.

It is difficult to move past the many commonly accepted beliefs you have lived in alignment with through hundreds of lifetimes. Many of them seem ordinary and "harmless" causing you to question why they are important in the larger scheme of things. Any belief regardless of how simple and unimportant that is believed to be good or bad can only be based in duality and separation--from God, people, and other life forms.

When on earth you must conform to some extent, living as a human from your highest level of awareness while at the same time utilizing three dimensional tools that make living on earth as a human being easier. However, within yourself stop assigning good to some things and bad to others because material good is no more real that material bad. Both are concepts of some Divine Idea. (Example: All forms of transportation are material concepts/interpretations of Omnipresence) The secret to living the mystical life while on earth is learning to be in it, but not of it.

Every person knowingly or unknowingly seeks the happiness and sense of wholeness that can only be permanent when one attains the conscious realization of their oneness with Source. The majority does not yet understand that happiness and wholeness reflect a state of consciousness and are not something "out there" to be acquired. Not knowing this, most spend their lives in a continuous search for whatever they believe will bring them happiness and wholeness. Even the murderer believes that his actions will bring him/her a sense of peace.

High frequency energies pouring to earth at this time are dissolving many of the energies that have long held mankind in bondage to beliefs of limitation, unworthiness, or of being a sinner in need of saving. These energies are bringing a sense of empowerment to everyone, those not yet spiritually aware as well as those who are. Most are not yet aware that what they are feeling is spiritual empowerment.

Because every individual is capable only of living from their highest attained state of consciousness, this new sense of empowerment is causing some who live fully in third dimensional consciousness to feel free to act in ways they may have wanted to but never allowed themselves.

This is why the world is seeing such an increase in violence. Some of those who have harbored thoughts of prejudice, fear, revenge, anger, and separation are interpreting these new energies of empowerment as a right to act on them. What you are witnessing in much of the world at this time, is the misinterpretation of Divine empowerment by those unable to see and live from a spiritually evolved state of consciousness.

Those living from a spiritually evolved state of consciousness are experiencing empowerment as the freedom to comfortably and without fear act on their creative ideas and choices regardless of other's opinions allowing them to more fully become who and what they seek to be physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Empowerment is a facet of spiritual evolution, a door that opens into individual consciousness where fear simply does not exist and where wholeness and completeness does. Because spiritual empowerment is a quality of Divine Consciousness it is already fully present within every person just waiting to be recognized.

U Are the Key to Unlocking the Universe

Empowerment allows individuals to move beyond the hundreds of concepts and beliefs that have held them in bondage to things and people over lifetimes. Empowerment is the ability to gently, lovingly, and without fear say to another; "Thank you for your opinion, but I am choosing to do this."

Your job as an enlightened person is first and foremost to acknowledge the true identity of all even those creating violence, problems, and suffering for other people and the animal world. Your realization of all life as being the One Divine Life does not mean those causing problems should be spared the three dimensional repercussions of their actions because that is their present state of consciousness and the level they understand. It may also very well be their chosen way of learning in this lifetime.

As a spiritually evolved individual you carry your Light with you wherever you go into every situation. Your secret silent knowing that those committing the most heinous of crimes are in reality Divine beings with no awareness of this truth can actually lift the consciousness of someone receptive.

Some of you are actively engaged in and others are being guided to do "hands on" spiritual work. This work is important to and benefits spiritual beginners who need material spiritual guidance and activities that they can relate to, see, and participate in.

Much of the world continues to believe that spirituality means doing--teaching, hands on, writing books, channeling, or meditating in a monastery or convent 24/7. These activities comprise a part of almost everyone's spiritual journey but the important and often more powerful spiritual work is often done silently and secretly through being rather than doing.

Hands-on work is ancient. The healing temples of long ago worked with oils, crystals, sound, color, and much more. Most hand-on workers today are simply remembering the work they did long ago in these temples. However is time for these techniques to come more into alignment with today's higher states of consciousness because this work will remain three dimensional if it flows from the belief that the "patient" needs healing, fixing, or changing.

You who do this sacred work must begin to work from higher and more evolved levels--"Yes, I acknowledge negative appearances that feel very real but I also know they have no law to support or sustain them because God never formed ITself as these things and you are the individualization of God." Then proceed, focusing on and acknowledging the Divine reality of the person you are working with rather than appearances.

Never believe you are doing nothing if you are not guided to outer spiritual work because you are doing spiritual work when you hold the Light in every now moment. Keep a part of your awareness always centered in truth as you go about your ordinary days. This powerful silent, secret, and sacred work constitutes the foundation and "heavy lifting" necessary for earth's ascension process.

This does not mean you will never be called upon for action or help in some way. Many who have happily lived quiet lives are now finding themselves increasingly being called on for advice, guidance, or even ordinary "hands on" help. Give it your best and do what needs to be done on a level those involved can relate to but do it with compassion, not sympathy.

Sympathy ("Oh, I feel your pain...") brings you into alignment with the lower resonating energy of a situation while compassion does not. This is especially important for those of you who work in areas like law, police work, mental health, doctors and nurses etc. because you will often hear "sad" stories and it is easy to align with them. Give three dimensional answers to those on that level of awareness, spiritual baby food to the newly awakening, and spiritual meat to those evolved enough for it always using your intuition and not ego to determine which is which.

The majority as of yet simply does not understand what is happening to the world they have come to know and so they are lashing out in fear and attempting to go back to "simpler times". As three dimensional support systems begin to increasingly dissolve people will begin to create and access higher ways of solving what needs to be solved. The old must crumble before it can be replaced by something better.

Evolution is nothing more than the process of remembering that God alone is.

We are the Arcturian Group 4/30/23


Unlocking The Mystery of Indigo Children: What You Need To Know

Source: Aurora Ray


We've all heard about children born with special gifts. They're called "Indigo children."

However, some parents are wondering if it's something to be concerned about and what their children might be up to.

Indigo children are being born into the world at an incredible rate. They have a wide range of talents, abilities, and emotional lives.

So what is an indigo child's ultimate secret?

Are they different from the rest of us?
Do they possess superpowers?

Does their consciousness have some kind of alien origin?

Are they new species on Earth?

And why does this phenomenon appear to be increasing?

Is it possible to know the future of our children just by looking at their DNA?

These are the questions I have been asking myself for some time.

So many parents have told me that their child has displayed certain characteristics at an early age (often around 5 or 6 years old): It's almost like they have a sixth sense about certain things, and it's always correct!

Wouldn't it be nice to know if you're an Indigo Child? Okay, maybe you already do know.

You've noticed that your children are different and have a special sparkle about them. But maybe you've been searching for answers in vain. You feel as though something is out of balance, but you don't know what or why.

Uncovering the mystery of Indigo children is one of the most exciting endeavors you will ever undertake as a parent. It's a wonderful adventure, and anyone who becomes an Indigo child or parent will surely be enriched in countless ways.

If you're the parent of an Indigo child, understand that they're incredibly special and will change the world!

Trust me when I say that your children can change the course of history and that you are helping to create such a movement right now! It may sound too incredible to believe, but there would be no world for children if these special ones were not first born into it.

So keep reading to learn more about Indigo babies, and then share it with your friends and family.

Indigo children are highly intuitive. They can read people's thoughts and know what's going on in their minds. They have a sixth sense of things.

Indigo children are bright, creative, and keenly aware. They are more mature than most kids their age and often have advanced knowledge of social issues. They have an understanding of themselves that is deeper than most adults'—they know who they are and what they want from life.

Indigo children are individuals who have an innate ability to communicate with the planet and the world around them. They have a deep connection with the universe, which means they can connect to their higher selves, know what's best for them, and make good decisions without being told what to do.

They are open to change and want things to change for the better in the world. They possess a clear sense of self-definition and purpose.

These individuals are often described as having an internal knowing of themselves and where they come from, and they can also be described as being spiritually connected to their families and ancestors.

They have a strong sense of right and wrong, but they may not always follow societal norms or traditional rules of conduct.

They often have incredibly developed psychic abilities that allow them to connect with people on a level beyond words or other forms of communication.

They also tend to be very empathic, which means that they connect easily with others' emotions, even if those emotions are difficult for them to understand on an intellectual level.

Indigo children are often described as "shining beings" or having a "gift" of some kind. They frequently possess an intuitive understanding of how things work and can even predict the future.


They are also very aware of their surroundings; they're always looking for ways to improve themselves. They aren't afraid to take risks or try new things, so long as it doesn't put them in danger or cause them harm.

Indigo children are born with the ability to see beyond what we call reality, which means that they have eyes that see beyond our physical view of things.

They are born into a world where the old ways are no longer working, and they seek out answers from those who can provide those answers.

Indigo children are also known as "ancient ones" by some cultures because they were once here on this planet before we humans came along. They were taught by the Creator how to use their natural abilities to help others in need.

They have an innate sense of justice and fairness, which often makes them stand out in a crowd of people who are not so fair-minded. They can often pick up on subtle clues that others miss.

And while they may be different from other kids, keep in mind that they experience life much like anyone else. You can count on them to experience joy and pain, as well as all the things in between.

As much as possible, try to provide a space where they can develop their special gifts (empathy and compassion) in a way that will serve them, their community, and the world.

Indigo children need a great deal of understanding, acceptance, and patience as they struggle with their unique gifts and challenges. With the right support, they have the potential to achieve great things in life and may even surpass our expectations of them.

And if you're an Indigo adult who has been through some of this before, there's no need to shy away from sharing your experiences; by doing so, you foster understanding among parents who may be struggling with similar challenges.

Whether you're an indigo adult or the parent of an indigo child, it's good to know that you aren't alone. There are many other indigos out there who are feeling the same way, and there are plenty of ways to support your own indigo child and learn from others' experiences.

In the end, whether or not you believe in Indigos, there are many good things to consider and plan for as you raise your one-of-a-kind child.

Adopt open-mindedness and be flexible as you adjust and adapt your parenting style to meet your child's needs.

You may even find that some of the Indigo characteristics listed are true of your own child—and it doesn't matter if it's an Indigo or not; if you see a trait in yourself or your child, it's worth exploring how best to take advantage of those strengths.

To say that Indigo children are misunderstood would be an understatement. People tend to judge them by their appearance, and—let's be honest—they're not the easiest children to have a conversation with. But once you get to know them and learn how to connect with them, there is so much more to discover. There is a whole world in there just waiting to be unlocked!

We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Copyright 2023 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.

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