
Saturday, April 15, 2023

THE TUNE OF LOVE "The tune of love is neither asked nor given: it is expressed." The tune of love


"The tune of love is neither asked nor given: it is expressed."
The tune of love is neither asked nor given: it is expressed.
The feeling of love is an energy, of a certain vibrational frequency, that is condensed into the heart chakra and from there it comes out and expresses itself. Those who have energy blocks in the heart center cannot express this energy easily and feel lonely and distressed. When this center vibrates at a certain frequency and resonates with another being that is on the same frequency a full loving exchange occurs. This can happen once, several times, for a long time, for the entire human life. It's all about the ability to keep that tune.
That's why love doesn't ask, or give: it's expressed.
Sometimes it finds resonance and answer and sometimes it doesn't. "
Love and Light 441 ❤️✨🌈
Quantum Awakening Channel ✨🌎✨
Interconnection Rainbow 441🌈

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