
Sunday, April 2, 2023

The Storm is almost here. Make sure you have the necessities. 2 to 3 weeks worth.


The Storm is almost here.
Make sure you have the necessities.
2 to 3 weeks worth.
The Military will also supply food and supplies. We are going to Full Global Mar*tial Law. Changing over from Crown Mar*itime Law to 1776. Will be a Transition
CASTLE ROCK. You will see my write ups from January 2020. Just about go time.


  1. Why do you publish such thing? This went around for years and absolutely nothing happened. You are just discrediting this website by publishing this stuff.

  2. We have gone through Sunday and Monday... nothing with EBS has happened. We need truths, not false hope at this point. God bless

  3. Sounds like disinfo. My research confirms, it is time...and time is short for this process to complete before the sheep and goats are separated, before 5D Tara
