
Friday, March 31, 2023

‘Who Am I?’ Oh Beloved, What you superficially see as a person is a mere appearance


‘Who Am I?’
Oh Beloved,
What you superficially see as a person is a mere appearance modelled by bones, blood and flesh.
What you intellectually know to be a person, is based on personalities that operate through your own bodily identifications.
Your opinions about others are because of concepts which you have kept as parameter to gauge your own life. You see others the way you are. The greatest blunder is to see yourself as a person you superficially believe to be. In truth, there is neither person, nor personhood.
There is a Consciousness in you which is in the form of the sense "I Am".
What is this "I Am"?
I Am neither the body, nor the mind.
I Am neither the sheath of the body, nor the mental faculties of consciousness.
I Am neither the breaths, nor the life force.
Having never left the original reality, I Am as it is in the eternal NOW.
I Am neither the known, nor knower.
I Am neither knowing, nor not knowing.
Having never left the original reality, I Am as it is in the eternal NOW.
I have neither parents, nor kinships.
I have neither friends, nor enemies.
I am self-luminous reality.
Having never left the original reality, I Am as it is in the eternal NOW.
I have neither dreams, nor goals.
I have neither virtues, nor sins.
Having never left the original reality, I Am as it is in the eternal NOW.
All comes through That, yet That itself is unaffected.
I am all and I am nothing.
Having never left the original reality, I Am as it is in the eternal NOW.
See this “I Am” within yourself. That is your doorway to eternal sunshine and everything that has to be attained is attained. Nothing remains to improve, strive or fulfil in That.
I Am That through which consciousness manifests in you. Go within yourself and I Am there already in the stillness of mind and lovingness of your heart.
Ultimately, there is not even this “I am” to point to. But how can communication happen without this I am for your bewildered mind and seeking heart?
There is nothing that words can point to or symbols can allude to.
Follow the consciousness ‘I Am’ with intense devotion and one pointedness.
When everything known is discarded, That which is, is your true nature.
That which is, is neither of time nor of space. Yet it is everywhere and in everything. "I Am" That and simultaneously beyond That.
Due to That, everything is possible.
Everything manifests due to That, yet it itself is never born and therefore never dies.
‘I Am’ That without words, symbols, indications and without the trace of mental fabrications.
Therefore, the way is neither in the expanse of sky nor in sacred places of earth but in your own awareness of being.
The process is not about thinking to understand but of not chasing thoughts to fulfil them.
It is not about learning new philosophies or doctrines.
It is about dropping off everything learnt to remain in naked awareness of suchness.
Real understanding is born in suchness of all that is; in the natural stream of consciousness.
Listen to the silence between the conversations and pay attention to the space between two thoughts.
Gateway to eternity lies there.
This love of self that you have is the call from the eternal shore.
Rise up, wake up now. You are free.
— Deepen
24th June, 2022
Friday, 11:54 am

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