
Tuesday, March 21, 2023

What Exactly is 5D -- and How do We Get There?



Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for March

Miles and I have been bringing our PAO community monthly webinars for 5 years! Amazing! We appreciate your on-going, loving support. Truly, Together we are Victorious! We look forward to "feeling" your unique vibration at all our webinars as we weave a tapestry of Light around the world.


Why are we here?

A perfectly natural question that many of us have asked ourselves, especially in light of events of the past three years.

The answer lies in the Akashic Records, a complete account of all lifetimes on earth dating from the beginning of physical Creation. A cornerstone of our soul growth, the Akashic Records describe every detail of our pasts, while providing an indispensable guide into our next lives.

We at PAO are delighted to welcome a brand-new guest, Lisa Barnett, to our monthly Webinars. Lisa is a renowned healer and founder of the Akashic School of Wisdom, and we are very honored to have her with us.


An almost inexhaustible source of Akashic lore, Lisa will discuss the Records’ relevance to our own times. Unique in her ability to connect us with these annals, Lisa will clarify the ways in which we can access our individual Akashic Records.

You won’t want to miss this rare and inspiring opportunity. Please join us!

Subjects to be discussed:

• What are Akashic Records?
• Connecting with Your Own Masters,
Teachers and Beings of Light
• Accessing Past Lives
• Ways of Clearing Karma
• Understanding One's Life Plan

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, March 26, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on March 26, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar video posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited...Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here.

Cost: $20.00 U.S

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Source: John Smallman

To awaken is to know that only Love is real.


As the daily news continues to report on fresh major corruption issues and conflicts worldwide, remind yourselves that all of these are in fact problems that have been ongoing for a very long time. Their disclosure is intensifying now so that they can be clearly seen and released, thus inviting and allowing Love to flow fully and freely throughout humanity, awakening all to the need for major changes in humanity’s attitudes and behaviors. These changes are occurring, and are most effectively dissolving age old fears, angers, hatreds, and resentments to which many have been clinging, and thus hiding from themselves the personal awareness that Love is their true and eternal nature. To awaken is to know that only Love is real, and to understand that anything that is contrary to It is utterly unreal, a figment of severely damaged and traumatized human psyches, blocking or hiding awareness from people of their own unchanging true nature.

As your collective awakening process comes rapidly to its moment of completion, focus your attention within, to your heart centers where you can and will most definitely feel the Love that you are residing there. You will also be aware of the pain and suffering that is seemingly enveloping vast swathes of humanity, so do reset your most powerful intentions – I cannot sufficiently stress the importance of this – to be only loving whatever arises, at least once daily, and also whenever a situation arises in your own day to day living that stirs up emotions of fear or anger within you. You are presently incarnate to do just this, to bring to completion the changes in your own attitudes and behaviors that are not yet fully in alignment with love, because doing this is your main purpose as a human in form, and doing so is extremely powerful. Many of you have been doing this for decades, and the evidence of its effectiveness can be seen all across the world in the kindness and generosity that so many of you are demonstrating on a daily basis.

Do not be distracted and disillusioned by the constant drama with which social and mainstream media are incessantly presenting you. That constant presentation of endless drama is a major aspect of the collective awakening process, because it most clearly demonstrates to all the intense need for major transformation in the ways that disagreements, altercations, and controversies are handled worldwide. Everyone desires to be treated with honor and respect, and not to be harshly judged as wrong without being fully heard. Everyone most certainly does deserve to be honored, respected, and heard – that is what Love does, always!

Everyone of you without exception is an eternally beloved child of God. You are brothers and sisters in an eternal and unbreakable relationship with one another – even though this may not be apparent, and even though the thought of this may horrify some of you. You therefore need to offer one another loving support in every interaction – never disdain or contempt – even when you disagree with them, or when they disagree with you. Conflict resolves NOTHING! To awaken is to move beyond conflict into unconditional loving acceptance of one another, which is a state in which even the idea of conflict can never arise.

One of the main areas of human disagreement is the belief, held by many, that if push comes to shove, and agreement cannot be reached peaceably, then conflict will most certainly bring it to a satisfactory conclusion for those whoknow that they“are in the right!” Far too many still adhere to this totally unrealistic presumption, especially if they believe that they themselves will be far removed from any actual physical conflict that may occur. As you are well aware, those who have the power and authority to instigate conflicts hardly ever actually allow either themselves or their families to become personally enmeshed in them. In fact conflicts are often driven solely by the rhetoric of those who claim authority over others, and by those who will inevitably benefit from them whatever the outcome.

The fact that many “others” will be severely injured, maimed, or killed does not in the least concern them – this has always been the case – despite rhetoric to the contrary. As the vast majority of humanity is definitely now fully aware: “Conflict is long past its sell by date!” It is now time, finally, to ensure that those in authority never again have the prerogative to initiate war, regardless of whatever reasons they may present as justification for doing so. Those in authority are there only to serve all humanity, and never to use you for their own nefarious purposes.

Those of you reading or listening to this message, and, indeed, others like it, know that your purpose and your nature is Love. By setting the daily intent to be only loving you massively intensify the loving field of energy that you share and extend around you, thus greatly assisting others to become aware that they too are powerful and SovereignBeings of Love. Love is the infinitely vast energy field in which all that exists is eternally present – NOW! It is Mother/Father/God expressing Herself abundantly so that every need is instantly satisfied – completely and comprehensively satisfied before it is even recognized – so that every sentient being, every magnificent reflection of the Mother Herself, is in every moment embraced by Her and enveloped within Her. There is nowhere else.

Therefore, as you make your regular visits into the depths of your being, to your own individual holy inner sanctuaries to pay respects to yourselves and to your divine Mother, make a point of reminding yourselves that: “There Is Nowhere Else apart from the loving Source that is your Mother Who created you for eternal joy-filled living.” You are One with Her in every moment, so dismiss any and every doubt to which you may still be clinging about your worthiness to be in Her Presence, because it is only your own deeply ingrained self doubts that block your awareness to knowing the wonder and worthiness of who you are.

With so very much love, Saul.


Equinox Livestream Special

Source: Positive Relaxation

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DISCLOSURE 6: Q&A | Live on March 20th

Source: Jason Shurka

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Creating Your Own 5D Reality

Source: Vidya Frazier - newsletter


Waiting for humanity to finally shift into 5D can get so discouraging — especially if you’re someone who's been waiting for this event for quite a while.

The world’s continuing chaos and humanity’s sluggish progress in waking up to what’s really happening can make it seem as if nothing will ever change – except maybe for the worse. It’s enough to make you want to give up on all your dreams for the future.

Yes, you can accept that the Earth Alliance is likely doing their best; they probably didn’t realize just how widespread and deep the corruption has been. And yes, you can understand that maybe they do have things kind of under their control at this point, as some people claim; perhaps they simply want more people to wake up before they really step in and take some control of what is happening.

But sheesh! How much longer are they going to let things go on this way? How many more people are going to have to die? How many more are going to starve or slip into poverty? It’s enough to make you lose faith and want to give up.

Understanding How 5D Works

And yet, if you really understand how 5D works, you can realize that at least you, as an individual, don’t have to wait for this new higher dimensional reality to completely arrive on the planet in order to experience it for yourself.

You can create it now in your own personal life.You can understand that this can occur by shifting into 5D frequency yourself – and then watch how your life starts to shift in order to resonate with this higher frequency.

You can begin to experience a sense of peaceful well-being on a daily basis, excitement about what you’re involved in, and a profound feeling of love and gratitude in your heart, no matter what is occurring out in the world.

You can actually realize that incredible miracles are occurring in your life. You can see that you are being gifted things you didn’t even know you needed till you received them. And you can find yourself suddenly surrounded by people who seem to resonate at the same frequency as you – soul tribe members you would never have thought you’d meet.

Your Own Personal 5D Reality

You finally learn what the phrase “consciousness creates reality” really means. It becomes clear that it doesn’t matter what is still occurring out in the dying 3D world. By functioning from within 5D consciousness, yourself, you can create your own personal 5D reality.

You may still find you have to continue to go out and function within the 3D world for periods of time; but you won’t be caught up in it it. You won’t let it get you down. You will carry your 5D Bubble around with you, wherever you go.

Of course, this isn’t necessarily easy to do on a constant basis. There are likely inner forces that are pulling you down, as old traumas, woundings and negative emotions continue to arise in their process of releasing – as well as the ongoing outer challenging conditions in the world you still have to deal with. But it can be done. The 5D energies are now flooding the planet, here to assist us in this process.

Two-Part Series

I’ve recently created a two-part series on youtube to describe this process of creating your own personal 5D reality. I first briefly review what the term “5D” refers to, because there does seem to be some confusion out there about what it is, especially for people new to the term.

And then I describe the aspects of both 3D and 5D consciousness, as I understand them – and I also insert a short piece on what I consider to be 4D consciousness. Within this discussion, I describe how the shift into 5D consciousness can be made on an individual basis, thereby creating a new reality for yourself.

In hearing these descriptions, you may discover you are already falling less and less into 3D consciousness and are experiencing at least certain periods in your life you could call 5D. It is very exciting!

What Exactly is 5D? And How do We Get There Part 1

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What Exactly is 5D -- and How do We Get There? Part 2

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