
Wednesday, March 8, 2023

The 3 Paths of Humans



Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for March


Why are we here?

A perfectly natural question that many of us have asked ourselves, especially in light of events of the past three years.

The answer lies in the Akashic Records, a complete account of all lifetimes on earth dating from the beginning of physical Creation. A cornerstone of our soul growth, the Akashic Records describe every detail of our pasts, while providing an indispensable guide into our next lives.

We at PAO are delighted to welcome a brand-new guest, Lisa Barnett, to our monthly Webinars. Lisa is a renowned healer and founder of the Akashic School of Wisdom, and we are very honored to have her with us.


An almost inexhaustible source of Akashic lore, Lisa will discuss the Records’ relevance to our own times. Unique in her ability to connect us with these annals, Lisa will clarify the ways in which we can access our individual Akashic Records.

You won’t want to miss this rare and inspiring opportunity. Please join us!

Subjects to be discussed:

• What are Akashic Records?
• Connecting with Your Own Masters,
Teachers and Beings of Light
• Accessing Past Lives
• Ways of Clearing Karma
• Understanding One's Life Plan

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, March 26, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on March 26, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar video posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited...Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here.

Cost: $20.00 U.S

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SourceJohn Smallman

Your true nature, as One with God, is about to envelop you and fill you with joy and wonder.


It is now impossible for almost any of you to be unaware that there is a great and much needed awakening unfolding. Signs and indications are appearing all across the world that enormous and totally beneficial changes are occurring everywhere, as Love intensifies the divine and eternal embrace in which She holds everyone of you, all planetary life, and the Planet herself, Gaia. This process has been ongoing for eons as you experience time, although it has been but a moment since it started, and its timeline – versus the numbers of the human population moving towards awakening – which has for all that time been rising in only a very gentle gradient above the horizontal axis, has most suddenly become almost vertical. You are all doing wonderful work in bringing it to fulfillment, and for this you are most highly honored, because without each and every one of you so graciously and magnificently delivering on the promises you made prior to incarnating it would not yet be almost upon you, as indeed it most certainly is.

I repeat: your collective human awakening into fully conscious awareness of your true nature as One with God is about to envelop you and fill you with joy and wonder. You have seemingly been awaiting this divine moment for eons, but when it occurs you will instantly realize that you have only been momentarily in a state of unconsciousness, a state of apparent unreality that has for eons seemed to you to be the only reality.

Your nature, as you have so often been reminded, is Love – Oneness or Union with Mother/Father/God. This has been your nature since the moment of your creation as a beloved child of God, but, as beings in temporary human form, apparently alone, individual, and separate from one another, this knowing is hidden from you by the veil of amnesia that enveloped you at the moment of your birth.

Then the environment in which you found yourselves growing from infancy to adulthood thickened that veil, and you, for the most part, chose to see and experience your environment as only a physical and material one, where you, in your aloneness, had to take full responsibility for caring for yourselves individually because no one else would or could. It is a very confusing state of mind in which you find yourselves, experiencing life as humans in form, as the sense of separation, of one from another, has induced intense fear – a seeming absence of Love – and encouraged you to think defensively, to expect attack, and thus to be distrustful of others who might at any moment betray you. And what you fear and expect is what some of you often experience.


Alternatively, as you choose to be honest with others, you will find that this leads others to be honest with you, and that that kind of interchange breeds communal trust and will thus demonstrate to you that fear is unnecessary. When you then find the courage to let go of fear it will dissolve, and Love will flood in to embrace you.

Many of you found yourselves living in cultural environments that believe in a superior and non physical authoritarian being who could observe your every thought, word, and deed, and to whom you owed obedience. A being that would judge you and punish you severely in the afterlife if you deviated from the required path of extreme reverence, devotion, and fealty required of you during your human lives. Others have chosen to believe that the material world in which you spend your human lives is the only reality, and that the death of your bodies is a terminal event. This belief confirms the sense of separation that all are experiencing and encourages them to live their lives in a manner that they believe serves them well, regardless of the effect that attitude may have on others. Neither of these life paths leads to peace and contentment, instead it drives people to an almost constant need to desperately seek for happiness outside themselves where it can never be found.

Peace and happiness can only be found within, as saints and mystics have been telling you for eons. This is why it is absolutely essential that you spend quiet time alone daily, visiting your holy inner sanctuaries, and while there inviting Love to embrace, reassure, and comfort you so that you can deal lovingly with the issues with which your daily lives present you. Doing so brings to your awareness the confirmational realization that you are most definitely in every moment at one with God. You all need this daily confirmation to assist you to remain steadfast in your faith in Her, because the daily dramas with which the various media shower you constantly tend to stir up any doubts to which you may still be inadvertently clinging about the Reality of Mother/Father/God. Let them go, because they are a major distraction, and make it difficult for you to just be. Truly you are most lovingly blessed and cared for in every moment, and that will never change.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

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The 3 Paths of Humans

Source: Solara An-Ra

In December of 2013 I channelled the Andromedan Overseers of the Galactic Council, who described a concept which they termed the '3 Paths of Humans.' but I felt it worth offering again here, as there is much to be gained from even a basic understanding of the concept - as so many of us are seeking ways to be more deeply on our Paths of Light, and more fully in joyful service to our planet and tribe.

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"You who have chosen to be on Gaia now - you who have chosen to be on this planet at this time - step every step with conscious awareness, for you have come to heal your troubled dimension. You are a work force of Light Bearers, in service to the Divine Plan for Ascension on Gaia - and yet you differ in your methods and style of operation. For the moment we will say that there are 3 primary paths or modes of operation within your ranks. This is a simplification, but it serves a purpose in these times.

"The first path is that of the Warrior of the Light. You who walk this path shine your Light openly for all to see, walking your talk as awakened ones, slicing through the veils of illusion that have blinded humans for many years now. You are the teachers, the leaders, the initiators who bring the Light tribe together. Your courage and determination will yield fruits more easily in this year which dawns - more immediately than ever, for you move towards the time of instant manifestation.

"Those of you Pleiadian Goddesses incarnated into your civilisations now, who weave your magic way on the Earth plane, you are the Magic Weavers. You demonstrate lightness, joy, frivolity - and nevertheless you produce results just as powerful - for this is your way of spreading and holding Light. There are, of course, Magic Weavers from star systems other than the Pleiades (as well as Magic Weavers in male embodiment), but always your signature style is to affect change through play and creativity.

You raise vibration through music, art, channelling and all forms of creativity; you heal others through bringing laughter and fun. And many of you work with the Indigo and Crystal children, assisting in their blossoming.

"And those of you who walk the middle path, neither Warriors nor Magic Weavers, you are the Frequency Keepers - ones who hold a steady vibration. You hold the balance point, the Heart Chakra frequency of your universe constant, as those in Samadhi have done before you. You transmit Christ Conscious vibration and higher dimensional frequency into your world of 3-D. This way seems more passive, but is the most difficult of all to achieve, for you ones must remain constant in your own frequency in every moment possible in order to seed your Star Codes and higher dimensional frequencies into your planet's vibration.

Know that you are in one of these 3 categories whether you recognise it or not. Sometimes you have more than one aspect within you, but at any stage of your life your primary purpose will reflect one of the 3 most strongly.

"It is sometimes appropriate to shift from one path to another in different phases of your life - from a Warrior of Light into a Frequency Keeper, for instance, as one path comes to fruition and is completed. Our channel Solara An-Ra has transited from the Warrior phase into a Magic Weaver over the past some years, as her time of life has dictated.

She is a frequency keeper only in those moments when she is transmitting our energy. (This was in 2013)

"And so you see it is possible to be all 3, according to the context and time – but we repeat that there is always a predominance of one path at any stage of life.

"Know that there is no predetermined order where one path follows another – and there is also no path which is higher or better than another. The paths are yours according to both choice and natural disposition or personality. There are indeed many among you in whom one path will be prevalent for your entire life.

"We give you this information so that you may recognise that your way is unique and perfect. You may storm the world with your ideas, the sword of truth and light glimmering in your raised arm, or you may sit quietly in meditation, the smile of the Buddha radiating from your lips. You may play with the tree beings, dancing in the forest, encouraging others to see the plant spirits and devas, or you may gather the tribe of Gaia for a ceremony or conference where other leaders of the Light transmit their wisdom.

"Intend that you follow your chosen path with joy and use your gifts – the very gifts that you came to seed on this planet! Those of you who are Magic Weavers accept your path with a lightness which is part of your essence and your very matrix! Those of you who are Warriors, accept your mission with a courage that is naturally yours! And those of you who are keepers of vibration, holding the 5th dimensional frequency of unconditional love, constantly emitting this vibration to your planet’s many layers, accept your missions with the equanimity that is natural to you.

"You are between times, between realities, and you feel yourselves shift between these now. Some of you are longing to be in your place of origin in the stars – you are seeking to escape the confines of your physicality and what feels like burdensome responsibility on Earth. Remember that you are here with purpose.

You are here with purpose!

Accept your purpose and responsibility with joy, and your life will therefore reflect the unfolding of one of the 3 primary paths of humans in the New Age. Recognise the energy of the Warrior, the Magic Weaver or the Frequency Keeper within you now, and dance the dance you came here to dance.

And So It Is. Namaste."

With love love love as always,

Solara An-Ra
Magic Weaver & Frequency Keeper for Gaia


The Greys, Hive Consciousness and Inverted Polarities

Source: Megan Rose

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Heaven on Earth is Awaiting You!

Source: Meg Benedicte


Greetings Colleen,

One of the most important astrological events of 2023 occurs today, March 7, when Saturn moves into Pisces for 2.5 years. Saturn has been working behind the scenes in Aquarius for several years, contributing to the formation of a new society, the new circular community. Saturn supplies more dedication, discipline and grounded practicality wherever it touches. While in Aquarius, Saturn flushed out dysfunctional social systems, authoritarian hierarchies, rules and regulations to be replaced with more just, equitable solutions for the global community.

Saturn in Pisces enhances the journey for a deeper meaning in life. It has a more other-worldly focus, beyond the mundane. During Saturn in Pisces transit of 1964-67, we saw an evolutionary explosion in music, art, and pursuit of altered states of consciousness…a more fluid society going with the flow in a freer lifestyle.

"Turn on, tune in, drop out" is a counterculture-era phrase popularized by Timothy Leary in 1966. During Saturn in Pisces influence, Leary led a movement, “‘Tune in’ meant interact harmoniously with the world around you – externalize, materialize, express your new internal perspectives. Drop out suggested an elective, selective, graceful process of detachment from involuntary or unconscious commitments. ‘Drop Out’ meant self-reliance, a discovery of one’s singularity, a commitment to mobility, choice, and change.”

Saturn in Pisces inspires internal pursuit of more creative exploration, mystical experiences and spiritual practices including yoga, meditation, chanting/toning, energy healing, and sacred quests or retreats. Saturn in Pisces provides the spiritual container of ‘heaven on earth’. Instead of escaping into trance states, psychedelics, addictions and disassociation, Saturn brings us back to earth in concrete, practical ways.

Let’s not forget, when we look through the quantum lens and the Many-Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics, there are many worlds which exist in parallel at the same space and time as our own. Currently there are two prevalent holofields dominating the earth plane – the ancient fear-based Patriarchal Hierarchy overlords and the New Earth Circle of Light community. Saturn in Pisces illuminates the path forward into this new world awaiting us. It is our birthright. It is our future now. It is our arrival home.

Join other Light Beings and visiting Starseeds for the Equinox Gateway Activations on Monday, March 20. Travel to your Soul’s original homestar and connect with your unique home starlight. Register here:

Lovingly, Meg



Source: LeeHarrisMusic

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