
Saturday, March 18, 2023

MORE CREATION ENERGIES, PLUS EQUINOX & TIME DILATION! Creation energies are flowing in at huge rates.


MORE CREATION ENERGIES, PLUS EQUINOX & TIME DILATION! Creation energies are flowing in at huge rates. Mixed with a beautiful blissful energy that may cause some to feel sleepy at times this weekend. We have stronger energies pushing in from the darkside of the planet. These will be our big players over this weekend. Add to those our incoming solar weather. High Solar Winds, Sunspots, and Coronal Holes, and you have an intense mix of energies for the weekend. On top of that, we have the Equinox energies rising and adding to the mix. To add to Monday's Equinox arrival, we also have a CME arriving that night. Also, have you been noticing time moving faster? Some lightworkers are losing large chunks of time during the day. While nights are feeling exceptionally long. All part of the time we are in. We are at a point now where energies are always high and intense. They aren't lessening because you can handle these high vibrational energies. Some of you are to the point where you're more comfortable when they're extremely high. Very soon, that's how each of us will feel. Things are changing quickly, and after Equinox, we will see things begin to change at a rapid rate. Remember everything coming is to help you on your journey. I'm excited for each of us to see what March 23rd and Beyond brings us. In the meantime, enjoy your weekend. Remember to Hydrate and Ground. They seem simple, but they are SO important right now! Much love and light, -SA Smith . .

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