
Wednesday, March 29, 2023



MESSAGE FROM MOTHER ISIS AND SERAPIS BEY – THEY ASCEND EVERYTHING WITH THE USING OF FLAMES OF ASCENSION AND RESURRECTION Mother Isis and Serapis Bey greet us, send us all their love and want to remind us of the use of the White Flame of Purity, Resurrection and Ascension. The Resurrection Flame and the Ascension Flame, are available for use. Feel free to use that flame to work through the release process, of Ascension. Turn that up all. It's not just to ascend to the fifth dimension, "it's to ascend any situation that is in the negative state, ascend the".. . “Light that situation up, release it.” To ascend a situation of scarcity, for example, to a situation of abundance, use the flame of ascension "When they want to ascend a situation of disharmony, of discontent, they use the white flame of ascension." "Ascends any situation, anything and your inner being that is imbued in the matrix." That flame is powerful to help bring it out, release and ascending those beliefs, utilize that flame and you will see the results. Hardly anyone uses that flame so powerful that has been given to everyone for a long time. Go to Temples, ask for it in the night hours. They ask when they sleep to be taken to the temples of the flame of Ascension, to ascend any situation of their lives, of their worlds. In the Temple they raise him, through that flame they raise him. While the "Flame of the Resurrection helps to rehabilitate" as its name says, Resurrect everything that is dead, that is opaque, use that flame of the Resurrection, to resurrect your bodies, your minds, your emotional body. To resurrect all the walking dead that are on the planet. They live because they breathe, because they walk, because they work, because they eat. My Beloved Consort, my beloved Mother Isis attends, we assist you greatly in the use of that flame. Start, help at this time, the use of these two flames is fundamental and paramount. Work those two flames, help the planet, help humanity. That's why the Father gave them, and gave them through us. Just as the flame of Transmutation was brought by Master Antuak, Mother Kwan Yin, in order to transmute everything, so also use the flame of the White Lightning of the Resurrection Ascension. At this crucial time, at this pressing time, it's important to use this flame, even to help the planet ascend as well. Work, wrap it up, besides wrapping it in the Violet Flame, wrap it also, in the Flame of Ascension, to help Gaia, Mother Earth to Ascension too. You can't imagine the power of this flame Therefore we, the bearers of this flame, make it available to you with all love, for you to use and apply it. May it not just be a knowledge they have, but, be a useful tool in their process in their mission. I love you my loved ones. We love you Mother Isis, Serapis Bey.. In Eternal and Infinite Love. - Received and Posted by Emanuel and Pastora - Adonai Holy Mountain of ERKS

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