
Thursday, March 30, 2023

Light Body Activation with Archangel Metatron - Energy Upgrade Meditation


Light Body Activation with Archangel Metatron
- Energy Upgrade Meditation
Kristin Taylor leads you through an intensive meditation to activate your light body, which is the spiritual side of you. This is an energy upgrade which ALIGNS you to the energy of Archangel Metatron and his Metatronic Energy.
It also:
-thoroughly detoxes & upgrades your energy field
-absorbs healing Metatronic Energy into your life & energy field
-fills & transforms every area of your life with Metatronic Energy & unconditional love
-brings healing & transformational energy to your physical body
This meditation is perfect for when you want to experience a deep connection & healing. It’s excellent before bed. Made with love & wishes for your happiness. Kristin Taylor Intuitive has been channeling Metatron for 11 years. She teaches channeling and is an expert at connecting others to Metatron’s energy, love and wisdom.

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