
Tuesday, March 7, 2023

💚 でEveryone has to stay awake and do their part. As Above And So Below. Trump, WH & Alliance are fighting against


💚 でEveryone has to stay awake and do their part. As Above And So Below. Trump, WH & Alliance are fighting against the Globalist NWO. Military personnel are waging physical warfare with military complexes. Some are fighting DS agents in local governments, schools and police. Truthers are engaged in an information war with the Mockingbird Media. Some jobs are to teach others. Because it's an iron battle, there are people fighting the iron battle. Some are doing energy grid, & light work. Some people are supporting others in their healing. Some people are only working on hiding themselves. Some people are just waking up and others are just doing their inner shadow work. Some are designing, planning, and building a new earth. Everyone has a role, no matter where they are. No one should oversee the work or obligation of another. The goal is to reach the other side, witness the New Earth, and bring about physical fruition. Will meet on a higher timeline. ✨🙏🏽👁🤍✨ 』 Message from Telegram Telegram@drue86✨ March 6th 2023

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