
Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Star Portal of Manifestation 2/2/2023 The Age of Aquarius begins on Earth.


Star Portal of Manifestation 2/2/2023
The Age of Aquarius begins on Earth.
The Universal Source of Creation is amplifying its energetic flow with a splendor and fullness never before seen or felt.
The unique Light codings of Birth and Creation are rushing into the form the pieces necessary to manifest the New. Your multidimensional higher frequencies are removing limitations, taking us further in building our new realities for the new long cycle that begins.
These multidimensional frequencies are available to all humans on Earth, regardless of levels of consciousness.
The guide to making the connection and accessing these inter-dimensional plans of abundance asks us to tune our inner with the crystal frequencies of God's Light. Activating the connections in our Heart. As Human Angels open up to the concept of receiving our Crystal Wings as part of the new structure of our Body of Light, as an extension of the silica of our Cosmic Angelic DNA.
The transformation of our bodies has begun, the water of our cells is energized in a sustained way with Diamond Light emanating from the Heart in connection with the Inhalation itself and Sunlight, giving space and place to the Celestial Frequency of Aqua Rainbow Plasma that circulates and expands giving life, brightness and luminosity to our bodies, allowing the personal power and validation to wake up in us, our gifts, the answers to our cosmic origins and the recognition of new aspects and multidimensional abilities that day by day will be activated.
Much more we will be seeing and feeling as we go along.
May personal circumstances not cloud or cloud the crystal clear perspectives that the Higher Light offers you right now and may you unite with the higher frequencies, allowing you to place yourself above every challenge and event.
Happy Powerful Portal of blessings.
Love and Gratitude.
Pachi Molina
Join here Universal Service to Light. PORTAL OF GAIA.

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