
Thursday, February 23, 2023

Our DNA and the Divine Plan


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ISMAEL DOES NOT DISAPPOINT - Webinar ready for downloading


So many of you told us you were energized by Ismael Perez’s first Live Webinar appearance that we just had to bring him back.

And, with the cosmic stakes raised and the dark’s struggle against us intensifying,we think this couldn’t be a better time for his return!

In this Webinar, Ismael discusses the Earth Alliance – who they are, how they are counteracting the effects of weather engineering on our world, and what they are doing to move us toward a new world planetary structure.

He also discusses the future of governments, as well as the presence of benevolent beings on Earth and how they are protecting the ‘God Connection’ in us all.


For those of you who miss Sheldan’s updates, you will find this Webinar blazing with information, clarity of thought, and Ismael’s characteristic comforting realism. He knows, as do we all, that the Light will win this battle.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Benevolent Beings vs Dark Beings
• Weather Events and Geo-Engineering
• Earth Alliance
• Reprogramming Ourselves to Prepare for Timelines
• Coming New World Structure

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $13.95 U.S.

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USA Consciousness Headed Towards Precipice

Source: QNewsPatriot

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Source: Gigi Young

We are entering another Tower of Babel moment in society where communication is deteriorating, not because people are not being clear, but because so many people are more interested in validating their own beliefs rather than entering a necessary phase of ego death.

What joins us as a diverse and complex beings is the desire and ability to see others as teachers that have innate value no matter their circumstance, or particular designation, in life. To understand the primary truth: that we walk this earth in a hall of mirrors, each situation that falls in front of our eyes having a layer of personal illusion that must first be mitigated to unlock the more objective cosmic truth beneath.

When we get to a point in society where we become lazy and desire to compel people to believe what we believe, to compel people to take on our worldview as their own, we enter a phase of social decline, a phase of death. We no longer value that person’s sovereignty and thus by default insult our own.

This phase of decline is initiated because a large portion of humanity no longer feels it is possible to be vulnerable and see their worldview, or belief system, as potentially flawed. They no longer strive to connect with the present moment and be changed by it; but rather seek to somehow validate and control the present moment. They try to control the moment by attempting to make it the past, specifically the past that they are so deeply trapped in through trauma and pain. The unresolved trauma in the past has made them frozen in it, always calling them back. Blind to the objective cosmic patterns that exist in the present moment.

They have forgotten that expanding into someone else’s ideas does not mean the loss of the self, but rather unlocking deeper elements of the self. When we know ourselves, our heart and unique essence, we can stand in the most wild or wicked ideas and break them down into something relevant, or break them down to a distinct process within creation that is useful. We are not blinded by the shadow, frozen by it, but rather see it is a tool of playful, necessary discovery. We can expand into other peoples worlds and minds without feeling the deep fear of losing the self. That is the definition of human mastery, and it is why we came here.

When the tower of Babel appears and we reach this level of hardness and duality the very spirit of earth is diminished, as at this point Earth is no longer a school but rather seen as an ultimate realm in its own right. We must not lose that sense of humility and flexibility that keeps us connected, not only with each other, but to the higher realms and the God-force itself. Only when we can see people who challenge our worldview as primarily useful and a necessary element of human evolution can we get back on track.

I will leave this post with a prayer and some closing thoughts. A prayer that will perhaps allow us to re-wire our hearts and minds to a higher place, the thought process we had before the fall: As we come across those that we disagree with, may we see their process as having value, even if the value is simply that they are in the process of illusion. If we should we see people in that lowered state may we not reject them or attempt to humiliate them but rather rise and hold space for them. May we do so from a playful and humble space and the realization that perhaps we are incorrect. May we have the power to embrace being re-oriented if we discover that we are.


Crone Confidence


May we hold a quiet space for people lost in shadow. May we fill it with the pure spirit of compassion, love and kindness. May we do this with the high and pure knowing that we are but ships passing in the night and that even these simple invisible prayers calm the toughest hearts and build invisible bridges. May these quiet intentions become seeds in a garden we can all one day walk in and be in awe of its beauty and mystery.

May we develop an appreciation for the unseen and come to value emotion and spirit just as much as the material planes. Knowing that each thought and feeling feeds a collective consciousness we all share and experience while we are incarnated here.

May we return to a state of playful and expansive vulnerability with each other, and may we recognize these states within us as the true return to Eden.

May we have the bravery to do this with each other even though the tower is crumbling, even though all that we seem to see around us is darkness.

May we have the strength to become light during these times rather than match the darkness that pounds on our door trying to convince us it is the ultimate truth. May we do this even though it feels impossible. Or, may we learn to do this because it feels impossible.

Through this work may we realize that this is why we are here, to do this exact process with each other. To understand that heaven begins from the process of alchemy within all human beings. From honoring specific emotional and mental conditions that elevate us. May we remember that the treatment of ourselves and others creates heaven or hell in this world. That it is the core nature of our words, and quality of our heart and mind, that bring heaven here. Heaven, or hell, is first reflected in our inner world and then is overlaid here by our actions over time.

Humanity stands on the edge now, on the precipice of both a fall and a rise. The tower of Babel has risen from the sands of time and we are now walking within its hallways again. However, we will not fall and rise together, entirely as a group. It is up to the individual to decide if they will fall or they will rise. The experience is shared but the outcome is unique to the person.

A new earth awaits and is seeded by the dreams and visions of the evolving humans. A lower earth is also forming representing the beliefs and visions of the devolving humans. And while this is difficult to accept, remember that we are the creators, the masters, and we create our worlds. This is as much a liberating concept as it is an alarming one. And as we realize this a great sense of freedom and individuality rises and clashes with a primal fear and a desire to hide in the safety of group consciousness. We once again face the the fear of leaving the childhood phase and enter the phase of the independent, responsible adult.

May we have the strength to recognize this transitional phase for what it is, and may we transform with it. May we experience a return of freedom, creativity and peace in our being knowing that we don’t all share the same future, but are rather in a state of aligning with the precise future that represents our current state of awareness.

May this realization lessen the conflict in society as we realize there is no need to compel one another into belief systems to create peace or order. There is no reason to compel or coerce minds in any way, for we are not sharing the same world and never really have. The current experience of a shared world is temporary. Not only that, our current shared 3d world is an image of higher worlds (and forces) and thus it mirrors, or is informed by their dominant, universal laws and patterns. What is out of alignment with sovereignty there is also out of alignment here. Earth does not have separate laws, it is simply an exact lower density expression of higher worlds. When we avoid this truth we fall and we place ourselves as gods rather than aligning with our higher-self and rising.

As we find ourselves walking through the stairwells of Babel, may we see that we are walking upwards, rising and climbing. Or, may we notice that we are, again, falling, descending and lowering ourselves. Dividing and splitting into unrecognizable forms, shadows of ourselves. And as this last phase turns and turns may we align ourselves with our spiritual path and identity and remember that within every fall there is a rise. That it is our choice, that we have been here before.

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Our DNA and the Divine Plan

Source: Patricia Cota Robles

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