
Sunday, February 26, 2023

Krishna says: ‘That which is in the heart of a human being prior to any experience, is My true nature’.


Krishna says:
‘That which is in the heart of a human being prior to any experience, is My true nature’.
The world is known through it.
The knowingness has been created unknowingly, as our consciousness has come over us unexpectedly.
Witness the consciousness.
It is self-luminous.
It is the seed of the world – the same as Hiranya Garbha – the golden womb mentioned in the scriptures.
Everything is hidden in it.
Krishna says:
‘Jiva implies consciousness. The totality of consciousness is My true nature’.
Focus your attention on That by which you
know ‘you are’.
Whatever is, is consciousness. It has forgotten its true identity. Therefore it believes itself to be the small body. Do not ill-treat the body but observe consciousness that is in the body. ‘That is the holy sight of Me, the supreme Self’, so says Krishna.
This is His true experience.
There are many Gurus in the world. A rare one tells you to pay attention to the consciousness in the human body.
Meditate on your consciousness.
Do not pay attention to things known through consciousness. Your in-built love for yourself is the highest devotion. Be devoted to the love (‘I am’) which is now listening. It will bring you contentment. The body is just a happening – a condition. The experience of immortality means there will never thereafter be the experience of death. Worship your consciousness as God. Rituals are only for passing the time.
!!! MEDITATIONS with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. Excerpt from Nirupana 107. Via Dear Sir Manoj Sethi 💙

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