
Thursday, February 9, 2023

Dolphins & Whales for Ascension & Healing Laura Hazel · · The dolphins call themselves “Galactic Representatives”


Dolphins & Whales for Ascension & Healing

Laura Hazel  ·   ·

The dolphins call themselves “Galactic Representatives” because, like humans, they carry Lightcodes from many different star systems within their DNA. As they maintain full activation of their DNA, they are able to travel to and communicate with these star systems with ease. While all Cetaceans are connected in Universal Consciousness and Unconditional Love (which are one and the same), dolphins are considered Galactic Embodiers because dolphins retaining Lightcodes from a specific galaxy tend to stay within that galaxy. Dolphins from each galaxy carry different genetic and energetic signatures. Dolphins from the Andromedan galaxy, for example, tend to be longer, thinner, and more colorful than Milky Way dolphins.

The Whales, as the Oversouls of the dolphins, are true embodiers of Universal Consciousness and Unconditional Love, and are able to travel between galaxies with ease. Words fail to describe the experience of healing, working, and traveling with such majestic BEings. 🤍

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