
Wednesday, February 22, 2023

🌈 Current planetary report: Rainbow vibrating is essential for entering the Age of Aquarius.


🌈 Current planetary report:
Rainbow vibrating is essential for entering the Age of Aquarius.
The new age vibrates in rainbows, Gaia's energy field awakens, it's its multicolor aura that begins to emit the right vibration of its central core planetary heart connected to all dimensions of light that interconnect the energies of all races existing on the planet.
By emitting the multicolor frequency is reminding us as galactic humans that we owe ourselves to become emissaries and receivers of it, become latent rainbows, is the ability to be unity in all frequencies, is the ability of absolute love.
And that's right, Gaia re-emits her original sovereign frequency of freedom in the diversity of life that she IS!! Top ✨✨
Possible Symptoms of Cardiac Center Remodeling and Opening and Brain Relocation. You can visualize yourself inside a rainbow channel so you can accompany the process.
Received early this morning in connection with the galactic confederation.

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