
Thursday, January 19, 2023

The human body is also being transmuted.


The human body is also being transmuted.

The body becomes subtle by having more space between cell to cell, more air, this is proven by floating more easily in water.

The circulatory system is modified, blood pressure is not the same, by modifying atmospheric pressure everything has new parameters.

The kidneys will go through a major modification, as their current task corresponds to the degree of planetary psychic pollution. They will no longer act as filters, but as transformers of energy between one dimension and another.

The spleen will stop capturing the pranic energy and it will be the solar cosmic plexus, which will take the Energy and direct the transformations on the physical plane (which will be the etheric).

The Brain-Spinal System, upon waking up all of its cells, will give possibilities granted before only to Great Beings.

Rigid cores will dissolve in individual's aura.

The bone system, when refined, will grant greater freedom of movement, and the muscles will no longer be compact and dense masses, as is curiously fashionable now.

Micro-organs are already being implanted, in current physical organs, adapting to a new functioning of the body.

Some glands are transforming, others are activating.

Organs best adapted to current density will lose their importance and disappear.

These changes are not noticed by current science, nor are they given in common people.

The current slowness of matter will be replaced by a greater dynamism, as is already well-known.

The mineral kingdom is disintegrating, rocks are breaking, materials are changing their composition.

What until now were accepted parameters, are no longer valid.

How everything transmutates, blood pressure changes, heart beats, breathing and there's no need to be scared of it.

There are organs that by their constitution are called to disassemble until they disappear, like the liver.

Others are getting more and more completed, such as those related to the heart and the larynx, which are in their early stages and will in the future be reproductive organs.

Today's sexual organs are on the verge of extinction.

In the coming cycle, the Monadas who are to incarnate and be governed by the law of birth will shape the mold of their material bodies into subtle levels.

Energy will come out of the woman's cosmic plexus, located just below the last right rib and then the body will materialize.

Parents will provide the polar field, positive-negative, to generate the bodies of the incarnate being.

In this process there will be no inheritance: it is, rather, a materialization, and it differs quite a lot from the formation of bodies according to the natural laws that are now in force.

Everything will take place in sublime ceremonies, without interventions of dense energies, specific to the lower chakras.

Symbolically, it can be said to be a birth into light, driven by the inner levels of the Being.

There will also be freed beings who will incarnate without having to go through birth, therefore, by transmutation by means of monadic transmutation, they will receive bodies that another Monada has already formed.

Edward Count


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