
Sunday, January 22, 2023

Start a sacred plan // last days, old creation πŸ’« - WE ARE IN THE LAST DAYS OF THE OLD CREATION.


Start a sacred plan // last days, old creation πŸ’«


THE OLD GLOBAL SYSTEM / SHUTDOWN WILL BE THE BEGINNING OF REWIRING TO GOD'S PLAN. (Linear Time 'Deadline' 01 G. P. : will explain in next post) after the break, mankind will begin - step by step - LIVE the Kingdom of God / Initiative Creation on Earth.

The structure, the plan of God.

Every soul that dwells together as one is a Divine / New (but original) plan. We are united as one. We are complete new creators together. We are creators and our creation. All hold vital and unique parts of this sacred new creation. We will begin to implement the sacred plan step by step according to the 'ascension process' of sacred geometric shapes.

Boarding process - METATRONS CUBE

Humanity will live with Metatrons Cube on Earth. A multidimensional interconnected community network. This is God's plan/recreation. Humanity will be blueprint one by one in the sacred ascension process. All souls have a place in the network. All will add their blueprint, keys and their unique codes. Humanity will take 3 years to live as a whole network/to be in unity. That's the next phase (new world) will begin.

The Government of God

The 24 Sacred Governments/Elders were the first to receive the blueprint. They are the heart of the Metatron Cube. The basis of the blueprint/Creation. These 24 souls have the blueprint of all Creation (Original Creation Blueprint,Original Community Blueprint, and One Original System Blueprint (New Learning,New Economy,New Health,New Food.. )Photo Added: You can be clear. Look at the heart of the cube (mini metatron cube) with 12 circles. These are the 24 holy governments / elders (12 souls combined). The area in the middle is the creator's residence. Source of it all. Me and the Creator Father.

The first community

Sacred Government and I will be gathering again this January/beginning February to live one traditional community and activate all new creation/God's plan March/April. One traditional community will be copied and inhabited by many light-makers. The great journey will begin.

Father the Creator.

The preparation process will begin when the blackout begins. During the period when the Creator Father dies and we will be one physically after years of separation. He works from/in the 'Old Creation' (helping the Old to be the New).

From now on we go swiftly dear family! I am happy and excited to see you again physically soon. I see you and I see all the work you do. I know you are ready to serve humanity. I am humbled to be here. I love you.

With all my love

Mother the creator Sophia Blu-ray

Happened in the physical world.



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