
Wednesday, January 25, 2023

On the Cusp of Great Change


Mail Attachment 2

Revitalizing the PAO to Zoom Forward

In conjunction with our plans to take PAO in a somewhat different direction, we are introducing the first phase of the new and revitalized organization to coincide with the beginning of this New Year.

As a first step to ushering in PAO’s transition, I redesigned our website to give it a fresh new look: By eliminating a lot of ‘old news’, I am leaving more room for new and relevant items. Thus, those viewers more recently introduced to the PAO mission can learn about Sheldan, our Galactic history and future, and about today’s world and its challenges.

To remain relevant in the today’s more competitive spiritual age, we realized that the time had come when we needed to awaken more people and spread the galactic message even more widely. Our steadfast Laarkmaa friends, Pia and Cullen, came to our aid, kindly arranging introductions to several like-minded internet radio hosts. The exciting outcome: Colleen and I are shortly to embark on the next leg of PAO’s journey – into cyber-radio. We are thrilled! (Stay tuned!)

Sadly, that saying about ‘the best-laid plans’ may well apply to PAO right now. As January began, the tax man swooped down on Colleen. Seems that Sheldan’s eyes were more focused on the Galactics than on day-to-day issues back here on Earth, leaving Colleen with a mountain of unpaid bills and back taxes. She is duty-bound to set these issues to rights before she can proceed. To further complicate matters, Colleen herself is dealing with a range of persistent health issues that make each day a challenge. Still she soldiers on, determined not to disappoint PAOs loyal followers.

We are undeterred and remain excited about our new and improved website, and about PAO’s new direction. We feel that it is the right thing to do now, to reflect a changing world, awaken more people on earth, and be part of the cosmos’s Great Awakening. It will give us yet more ways to continue serving you and bringing you the most up-to-date and relevant information available.

Over these many years, you have joined us, worked shoulder to shoulder with us, to become a dynamic force in this universe. We are unwavering in our mission to help humanity awaken, and ease its passage to higher consciousness.

A timely donation, whatever you can manage, would help us in moving forward. With your support, PAO will soon be zooming toward the stars again!

Peace and Blessings.

PAO Team

Mail Attachment 2


Hi Colleen and Miles, Colleen, you said it. This webinar with Patricia Cori was truly dynamic. And even that does not begin to express the awesome Divine Power and Intelligence that it embodied. Huge!!! I love that Patricia reminded us that each moment in a physical body is both sacred and a special blessing granted to each of us. I will definitely be purchasing her new book. I have recently been asking Source for full DNA activation and here is Patricia to help. I love how the Universe works. Thank you for your reminder that the Light and the Dark come together to create greater Light. That truly speaks to why we are here. Love to both of you and to Sheldan. Jan AZ


After far too long an absence, we are thrilled to ring in this New Year by welcoming back broadcaster and writer Patricia Cori. She will guide us on a fresh and captivating journey through our human DNA history, and examine the effect it exerts upon our higher consciousness.

Patricia is an acknowledged authority on spirituality, a meta-physician and clear clairvoyant and channeler. As Scribe to the Sirian High Council, she was privy to a wealth of information that she shares with us today.

Our current reality is to accelerate its creation of new and higher levels of awareness, which, in turn, will usher us away from Gaia's present turmoil into a state of enlightenment and spiritual joy.

As an extra special bonus, Patricia will also present a brief summary of her new best-selling book, Hacking the God Code.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Patricia Updates Us on Her Mission’s Current Focus
• Crop Circles
Sirian Connection Experiences
• Our Human DNA History
Reclaiming Our DNA
• 3D-4D-5D
Inter-dimensional Time Occurrences and Our Karma
• Cosmic Phenomena
How They are Affecting Us
• Hacking the God Code
The Conspiracy To Steal The Human Soul

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-58 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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What Has CERN Done Now! ? Reality Splitting Follow Up!

Source: April Elizabeth

Note: First 3 minutes you can skip if you wish.

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Sananda: On the Cusp of Great Change

Source: James McConnell

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I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, in these times that continue to bring great change into your lives, to the lives of your loved ones, to the lives of your friends, your family, to all of those that are around you.

Change is coming. Change is upon you. And all of you have been preparing for these changes. You have been preparing for lifetimes for these changes, but now you are right here in the midst of them. Right here at the cusp of the greatest changes to come over this Earth in your entire history. All that you have been working toward, training for, preparing for is now right here in front of you. It is not far off where you are going to begin to see the major changes to your life, but changes that you have been ready for, that you can know how to move through and withstand. Whereas others, who are not awakened such as you, will have a much more difficult time in understanding what is happening, why it is happening.

And that is where you will come in. You, those of you, the Light-Warriors now, the ones that are not only carrying the Light, but sharing and spreading the Light everywhere. Even in just your every-day moments throughout your life, you have been spreading this Light without even knowing that you are doing it. But you are doing it, because you are the Light, you are the love, you are the truth. You are bringing the truth forward in every way imaginable at this point, from many different sources, through many different sources.

The truth, the Light, is shining through now. Through the darkness. It can no longer be held back down within that darkness, as those of the forces of darkness have attempted to do for many thousands of years now, holding the truth in the darkness, holding you in the darkness. Not allowing you to become aware of the truth, aware of who you are, what you are really here for. Holding you back. Holding you within the programs. But no longer.

For you are moving beyond the programs. You are moving out of the doldrums of the third-dimensional illusion, and recognizing that indeed it is just that, an illusion. And as you continue to go about your daily activities realizing that it is indeed just an illusion and you do not need to become ensconced within it, to be held within it, any longer.


And in your discussion earlier about consciousness and vibration, indeed everything is consciousness and vibration. There is nothing else. Life was started with vibration, with light vibration. And vibration is what continues to keep the entire universe moving. Vibration and consciousness are changing all of the time. That is why you cannot be told when these things are going to be happening, because it only happens based on changing consciousness and vibration. And in every single moment there is a new vibrational change which brings about a new consciousness change.

And so much at this point, my friends, life is changing. It is adapting. It is evolving. And it is evolving because of you. You, those of you, again, the Light-Warriors that are sharing and spreading the Light everywhere. It is because of you that the dark forces are losing the battle now. Not only the battle, but the entire war. The war that they have started, and you are finishing. Look at it in that respect. It is a battle between Light and dark, good and evil. And you are not only winning this war, you have already won it. It just needs to remain to be seen as a victory, well fought.

I am Sananda. And I leave you at this time in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you would continue to move throughout your daily activities spreading the Light both consciousness and unconsciously throughout the planet. For this is the beginning of The Great Changeover.



Source: BestNewsHere

It is important to know our history. When the masses wake up, they will require answers. Be prepared. Our time to comfort the masses is approaching quickly.

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