
Thursday, December 8, 2022

Merge Your Energies with Jared Rand this Month


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Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for December


In PAO’s August Webinar, Jared Rand told us that, based on solid information sources, humanity would be reaching a turning point, beginning in the fall of 2022.

As the situation accelerates, unrelenting misinformation intensifies, as well as the number of extreme events occurring around the world.

Accordingly, we felt it imperative to bring Jared back to help us understand, as no one else can, what we can do to help the cause.

And, as always, he will give us an update on the progress of his Celestial Chamber Project.


Come, join us! Inspired by Jared’s clear perspective and wisdom, let’s merge our energies and collectively raise the frequencies that will restore peace and normality to Gaia and her citizens.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Jared Updates Us on His Mission’s Current Focus
• World Leaders
Manipulating the System with Election Corruption and Globalist Agendas
• Cosmic Growing Pains
Dealing with Heightened Frequency Upgrade Symptoms
• Celestial Chambers
Progress Report
• An Epochal Moment In History
Solutions For Creating Peace and Harmony on Earth


After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Please note new time:

Sunday, December 18, 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. PST

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday, December 18, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


Scientists New Discovery in Egypt That Changes Everything!

Source: Future Unity

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Source: Anima Mundi - Erica Jones



The ebullient Full Moon in Gemini blossomed on December 7, reaching her maximum fullness at 8:08 p.m. US/Pacific. This moon will spark passionate intensities related to sexuality, competition, self-preservation or the preservation of ideals, the achievement of goals, or our personal will.

Many of us will be spurred to clear the air of confusions or misunderstandings, or to address injustices or perceived wrongs, but we might find everyone around us seems a little touchy. Internal conflicts may also emerge when we find that some of our hopes and dreams are in conflict with each other.

We are midway through the Mars retrograde cycle, and whatever area of life has received a boost of Mars’ high energy during his retrograde will be calling for our attention, especially if we have resisted the pressure to act.

Mercury-Jupiter is another indicator of exaggerated Full Moon feels, and a tendency towards excessive speech when fewer words will do. But it can also indicate receiving a fresh perspective on what this Mars retrograde wants to bring forth in our lives. Mercury will soon enter his final retrograde for 2022, spending an entire two months in Capricorn (Dec. 6 - Feb. 11), emphasizing the need to define our boundaries and limits, to be consistent, and to set achievable goals for ourselves.

Venus is the planet who signifies money, love, beauty and pleasure, and she makes a challenging square aspect (exact Dec. 3) to Neptune, stirring up our ideal images of enjoyment and divine union, love and abundance.

On the difficult end of the spectrum, Neptune can bring in a tinge of the unreal or unrealizable, always setting the most attractive things just outside of our grasp. On the positive side of this Venus-Neptune influence, it will be important to let our hearts expand to imagine big, and to reach for the stars above, so that we can welcome in new life-giving energy and hope. As the poet Rilke wrote, “The future enters into us, in order to transform itself in us, long before it happens.”

A High Spirited Full Moon

The Sagittarius Sun’s exploratory arrow will also be poking directly into the fiery red planet Mars, who is exactly conjoined with this Full Moon.

While Sagittarius is fun-loving and Gemini likes to keep things fresh, Mars’ special brand of excitement might take things over the edge in a flare up of passions. Passionate intensities related to sexuality, competition, self-preservation or the preservation of ideals, the achievement of goals, or the sheer force of willpower could burst out under this Full Moon. Mars is not exactly a subtle energy, so regardless of what range of emotional intensities are illuminated by the Gemini Full Moon, this lively combination is likely to result in very direct verbalization, along with the courage—or recklessness—to express it loud enough for all to notice.

We are likely to be too impulsive and act without much reflection on the consequences because we’re being too naive about ourselves and the situation, or because we are simply upset and possessed by our feelings.

Many of us will be spurred to clear the air of confusions or misunderstandings, or to address injustices or perceived wrongs. Though such impulses can be coming from the right place, everyone is likely to be pretty thin-skinned under this Full Moon, easily taking offense at words or actions, but no one being quite willing to back down or de-escalate. But there may be conflicts inside of us that are provoked as well. Struggles with others can help us to recognize our own inner confusions or cross-purposes, or how we undermine our own achievements by pursuing too many goals at once.

There is a particular potency with this Full Moon, as the spotlighting power of the Sun shines upon Mars at this midpoint of his retrograde cycle. It promises to add to the intrigue that has been building since Sept. 3 or so, when Mars began this sojourn.

We may simultaneously want to plunge ahead with our goals and yet need to stop and genuinely assess: is this the right path for me? Do I have the energy to pursue this, or is something or someone draining me of energy?


Mercury Square Jupiter - Mercury enters Capricorn

The Gemini Full Moon is ruled by the planet of communication, Mercury, who will just be moving into somber Capricorn on Dec. 6, and finishing up a stressful square aspect to expansive Jupiter (exact Dec. 5). Mercury-Jupiter is another indicator of exaggerated Full Moon feels, and a tendency to excessive speech when fewer words will do. But it can also indicate receiving a fresh perspective on what this Mars retrograde wants to bring forth in our lives. So much about this Mars retrograde period of time involves evaluating and refining our choices to find the right mix of goals and activities, and allowing any experimentation to evolve as we gain greater understanding.

We may find ourselves tossed into the mix, though, as Mercury heads towards their final retrograde for the year.

Mercury enters the shadow of their retrograde on Dec. 12, and appears to stand still on Dec. 29, retracing his steps until he returns to direct motion on Jan. 18, and traverses the retrograde shadow through Feb. 7. Mercury spends this entire two months in Capricorn (Dec. 6 - Feb. 11), where he would ordinarily spend only a few weeks, emphasizing the need to define our boundaries and limits, to be consistent and to set achievable goals for ourselves. Many of us will spend the incoming Mercury retrograde period in a process of discerning who our allies are and who we would be better off releasing, as well as transforming our relationships and partnerships of all kinds.

Sometimes our ideas about people or energies undergo transformation—because we see the roles we play for each other more clearly—not just with human beings, but also with archetypal forces such as money, love, beauty and pleasure.

Venus Square Neptune - Venus Square Jupiter

Venus is the planet who signifies money, love, beauty and pleasure, and she makes a challenging square aspect (exact Dec. 3) to Neptune, stirring up our ideal images of enjoyment and divine union, love and abundance. On the difficult end of the spectrum, Neptune can bring in a tinge of the unreal or unrealizable, always setting the most attractive things just outside of our grasp. It could be that some of us have worked ourselves into a romanticized fantasy about a person, a project or a partnership, only to meet with the intensities of the Gemini Full Moon on Dec. 7. At that moment, some reality may begin to puncture the fantasy, but it’s important to remember that a sour taste of disillusionment is not reality itself—the opposite of an over-idealization is probably just another over-idealization.

It may be challenging, but it’s wise to restrain our impulses and wait to draw conclusions for a few days after the Dec. 7 Full Moon, as our emotions settle out and the full truth becomes more apparent.

On the positive side of this Venus-Neptune influence, it will be important to let our hearts expand to imagine big, and to reach for the stars above, so that we can welcome in new life-giving energy and hope. Neptune, the planet of dreams, imagination and delusion, appears to stand still in the sky, stationing to return to direct motion on Dec. 3, emphasizing his powers and influence over our lives. It will be equally important to give these dreams an honorable and fitting place—what begins as aspiration can eventually become concrete over time—so that the values they represent can guide us to the financial or other energy exchanges which can make those dreams a reality in this world.

When Venus enters Capricorn on Dec. 9 (until Jan. 2), she will shift gears to the brass tacks of how to attract what we need, and has no time to entertain such big dreams. Catch them while you can!

Especially with Venus square Jupiter (exact Dec. 9), there is a strong element of seeking freedom and expansion, exploring new opportunities and social scenes. Many of us will have to consider the merits of independence and of partnership, and the benefits and constraints of both. Venus-Jupiter could also have us spending too much money on luxury items, which is yet another impulse we may all want to be judicious about! And while so many of us need more spontaneity and willingness to take risks in our lives, the Gemini Full Moon suggests that we be gentle with ourselves and others as we move through any emotional overwhelm and find the courage to embrace what serves our highest good.

Full Moon in Gemini - By Moon Sign

The Moon represents who we are before we even think about who we are. She represents our instinctual self, and she describes our deepest vulnerabilities as well as our most profound capacity to connect with others. Full Moons amplify energy and emotions. This Moon is filled with passionate intensity, impulsivity, and some desire to clear the air of any confusion.

Let’s see how the Gemini Full Moon impacts your own Moon placement!

Aries Moon

Herbs for energizing the brain

Firing off a provocative opinion to anyone in earshot may get the big reaction you’re hoping for, but be mindful of the consequences for your career or for your public image. It is totally possible to harness the passion of this Gemini Full Moon to champion your most cherished causes, Aries Moon, just try to think diplomatically.

Taurus Moon

Herbs to boost energy

Someone or something is trying to break you out of a rut, Taurus Moon, and it might feel a little abrupt or abrasive. There is more than a silver lining to the story of this Gemini Full Moon; there is a treasure trove of gold waiting on the other side of your discomfort with daring to dream of (and take!) bigger risks than usual.

Gemini Moon

Herbs to soothe a hot temper

This is YOUR Full Moon for 2022, Gemini Moon! And all this Mars business may have you pretty hot under the collar. It may take all your strength to summon a graceful response to irritations and provocations, but it’s worth the effort. You may be more vulnerable than you realize, and can care for your own emotional well-being by being tactful with other people.

Cancer Moon

Herbs to deepen emotional connections

This is a pretty piercing lunation for you, Cancer Moon, as it wants to excavate the depths of your being and is forcing you to find a new narrative for all the different pieces that are uncovered. Some of these pieces will be familiar and other pieces foreign to you, but allowing a new story to emerge promises to greatly enrich your relationships and sense of connection with loved ones.

Leo Moon

Herbs for strength + vitality

Your sense of belonging to one or more groups is challenged by the Gemini Full Moon. Whether it is a difference of ideas or the interpretation of ideas, or disagreements over the proper rites and rituals of your clan, you’re likely to dig your heels in and fight for what you think is right, even if it makes you an outcast.

Virgo Moon

Herbs for creativity + sexual stimulation

Unfettered, unedited, raw explosions of creativity, Virgo Moon, is what it looks like for you under the Gemini Full Moon. I know this sounds like your worst nightmare, but it is actually a generative and sexy affair that both offers and expresses some great new opportunities for your career and life goals—but you’ve got to free up that flow. Let it get messy!

Libra Moon

Herbs for calming mind + mood

You may be quite fervent about your ideals and the meaning you make of life, Libra Moon, as Mars ignites your philosophical passions under the Gemini Full Moon. Be wary of defending against information or feelings that don’t fit in your grand scheme of cosmic cooperation, because those little irritations can help you grow a much better understanding of the choices laid out before you.

Scorpio Moon

Herbs for grounding

Why do people have to be so nosy, Scorpio Moon? This Gemini Full Moon may have you wondering about this, as you try to put some distance between yourself and the busybodies, so you can just have some fun and enjoy yourself.

Sagittarius Moon

Herbs to beat brain fog

Some of your exaggerations or overstatements may be coming back to haunt you under this Gemini Full Moon. Your first response may be to get defensive and make excuses, but you’ll get a lot further by reflecting on why you feel the need to exaggerate in the first place. A deeper understanding of your habits of mind and expression can emerge, and both repair the current situation and free you from future problems, Sagg Moon.

Capricorn Moon

Herbs for the nervous system

This Gemini Full Moon just may max out your nervous system, Capricorn Moon. Sitting down to take a break from worrying about everyone and holding the world together for your friends and family is a great way to honor this lunation.

Aquarius Moon

Herbs to soothe the heart

Your inner child figures are in the spotlight of the Gemini Full Moon, and it may be necessary to evaluate the roles they play in your life, Aquarius Moon. There is more than just one child within, and they are of different ages and perspectives that want expression, appreciation, and a good guide through the experience of life. This is a good time for revitalizing that sacred duty.

Pisces Moon

Herbs to support meditation

The Gemini Full Moon would like you to examine the roots and foundation of your life, Pisces Moon. There may be the surface appearance of an argument in the home or with family, but the actual issue that needs attention is somewhere deeper, perhaps an inner conflict of competing needs, a battle between sticking with the security of the known and risking reaching out for something desirable and ne


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