
Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Jared Rand: We're at an Epochal Moment in


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Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for December


In PAO’s August Webinar, Jared Rand told us that, based on solid information sources, humanity would be reaching a turning point, beginning in the fall of 2022.

As the situation accelerates, unrelenting misinformation intensifies, as well as the number of extreme events occurring around the world.

Accordingly, we felt it imperative to bring Jared back to help us understand, as no one else can, what we can do to help the cause.

And, as always, he will give us an update on the progress of his Celestial Chamber Project.


Come, join us! Inspired by Jared’s clear perspective and wisdom, let’s merge our energies and collectively raise the frequencies that will restore peace and normality to Gaia and her citizens.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Jared Updates Us on His Mission’s Current Focus
• World Leaders
Manipulating the System with Election Corruption and Globalist Agendas
• Cosmic Growing Pains
Dealing with Heightened Frequency Upgrade Symptoms
• Celestial Chambers
Progress Report
• An Epochal Moment In History
Solutions For Creating Peace and Harmony on Earth


After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Please note new time:

Sunday, December 18, 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. PST

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday, December 18, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.



Source: Meg Benedicte

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On 12:12 an ascension portal opens during the annual gateway alignment with the galactic center located at 26° Sagittarius…a time of potent manifesting in the source field. 12 is the universal symbol of alchemy, apotheosis and genesis. In esoteric knowledge, 12 represents the full circle, the totality, the completed cycle of experience leading to regeneration and higher consciousness. It is a supercharged gateway of divine intervention!

In metaphysical tradition, Metatron’s Cube encompasses 12 circles that correspond to the 12 dimensions in the dodecahedron geometry of creation and alchemy. The 12 circles in Metatron’s Cube connect to the 12 harmonic tones of Phi that propel the golden ratio spin momentum of the Quantum Vortex.

On December 12 (double 12) we experience AA Metatron’s 12:12 annual Ascension Gateway in collaboration with the Council of 12 Tribes of the Great Central Sun. 12:12 represents your spiritual growth as an Infinite Being. According to Metatronian mysticism, 12:12 is a sacred code that activates your Merkabic toroidal field.

The entire year of 2022 has been preparing you for these powerful cosmic events aligned with the zero point Source field located at the galactic center at 26° Sagittarius. We are experiencing year-end gateways that initiate a zero point reset for rapid human transformation.

By spinning zero-point balance in the Quantum Vortex, all negative and positive forces interact, blend, unite and amplify to eliminate polarization in the mind/brain/emotions. When LIGHT is alive and activated in the holographic mind, your visualizations are projected into the quantum field, carrying the light with them. Photon light is the carrier of consciousness, the intelligent information that particulates into physical matter.

Human DNA uses photon light as a feedback system of communication through energy waves which encode and transfer information. While the 12:12 through 12:21 Gateway is active, the zero point field at the galactic center enables molecules to speak to each other non-locally and virtually instantaneously, in oscillating frequencies through entanglement. This is a power-packed moment of infinite possibilities. Don’t miss this extraordinary moment to crystallize your Soul’s Light Body and Blueprint.

Working with Archangel Metatron and Michael, we will travel to the galactic center to accelerate and activate the crystallization of your human self, into becoming a divine human. Join other Light Bearers, Gridworkers, and Star Beings from all around the world, as we gather on December 12 for Metatron Activations during the 12:12 Gateway. The show is recorded for replay. If you would like to participate, register here:

Lovingly, Meg

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Archangel Michael: No One Can Control You Unless You Allow It

Source: James McConnell


I am Archangel Michael. I come again at this time to continue the process that was started some time ago with this group and with all of those that would resonate to these words.

All of those that are the Lightworkers that have become the Light-Warriors: my Warriors of Light. Where you are continuing to spread that light wherever you get a chance, knowing and feeling the truth within you, and letting that truth resonate out from you, letting that light resonate out to all others around you wherever you can. Even your walking amongst others carries the light and spreads the light. Whether you are conscious of it or not, you are spreading the light just by being in closeness with others.

You all have a special mission that you volunteered for so long ago. You have heard that you have remembered this. And these are those times now that you have prepared for. For millennia you have been preparing for this. And again, you find yourselves now at this precipitous time just upon the precipice now. Many of you are almost ready to jump off of that precipice, to move through fully the ascension process to realize your own personal ascension.

But what holds you back? The only thing that holds you back yet at this point is the old programming. The programming that continues to hold you down at times to this third-dimensional expression, and the illusion that had been created by all of you. You all had a part in this creation. But it is those of the forces of darkness that continue to hold it together, continue to move it forward, the illusion. They are wanting to hold onto the old. Where you are wanting to let go of the old and move on into the new, the New Golden Age.

But I say again, the only thing that is stopping you is that programming. But more and more as you let go of the programming, as you remember more and more fully who you are, what you are here for, whenever you think that way, whenever you see the world as you want to see it—not how it appears to those that are still yet asleep, but how you want to see it, how you want the creation to be. For just as you have created this third-dimensional illusionary world, you are also now creating in the fourth and fifth dimensional world. Everything comes from creation. Everything comes from the mind and the heart working together. Again, what the mind can conceive, it can achieve.


So continue now to trust. Trust, yes, in the plan. But more than that, trust in yourselves. Trust in yourself to follow along with the plan, and not be held back any longer, not let yourself fall back into the old ways, the old paradigm, the old illusion. For the more and more that you recognize it as just that, an illusion, then you can move beyond it. Then the programming no longer holds you back.

And yes, you can take my Blue Sword of Truth and sever yourselves from all that old programming. Or you can use the Violet Flame to purge out the old programming. You can use many different tools, crystals included. There are many different tools you have been given. And many of you have remembered those tools that you can use, which is why you resonate toward a certain one, a certain way of moving beyond the programming. And continuing to hold yourselves in the higher light and higher vibration of the fourth and fifth dimension. That is what you all came here to do. To raise yourselves, and then help to raise everyone around you.

Nothing is stopping you, but you. Think on that. And allow that to become your mantra as you continue to move on through this ascension process. The only thing that is stopping you is you. No one else. No one else has control over you unless you give it to them. Remember that.

I am Archangel Michael, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness.

And that you would continue to be my Warriors of Light and spread the truth wherever, whenever, and to whoever you have the opportunity to do so.


Two Patriots Discuss...

Source: SG Anon & Nino Rodrigues

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