
Tuesday, December 6, 2022

---"THE GREAT MUTATION OF DECEMBER.. As Planet Earth advances along the Gamma Timeline


As Planet Earth advances along the Gamma Timeline toward the end of the Earth Year, a massive fleet of Light Benevolent Forces anchored in the Solar System received a Green Light Guide to begin Operation Fi nal " Emergence of the New Earth."
*The final battle between LIGHT and Darkness for the ownership of planet Earth.
*Forces of Light confirmed a overwhelming victory over most of the remaining Draco forces hiding in the Sub-Lunar Space, and the energy path is now free of obstacles for the planet to begin moving toward the Fifth Dimension.
* The Pleadians have conveyed to certain members of the Earth Alliance that the entire Ancient 3D Matrix Control System that dominated the BEINGS of Earth for ages will completely collapse NOW!...
*We will see the start of this in just a few weeks!
* According to the new data received by The Earth Alliance, there is a substantial expansion of DNA among the creatures of Earth in the last 30 days, and in the next two months this expansion of DNA will be very remarkable.
*What is currently happening on Earth is positive, however, it will have a very shocking effect on global human consciousness and will cause Humanity to begin to wake up even faster.
*Pleadians claim this sudden jump in global consciousness is the major turning point in the Ascension timeline...
*On 21st of December .... a Celestial Star Portal will open in the sky to mark the dawn of the NEW ERA of Aquarius, and the first day of the
′Satya Yuga’ of Central Solar Light.
*On Solstice Day, the long awaited New Era of LIGHT will finally dawn and the NEW 5D Earth WILL BE BORN on Earth.
*Along with the rare ′Great Conjunction′ of Jupiter/Saturn in a 20-year cycle...
*Right now, on Earth's Gamma Timeline, powerful currents of High Frequency (Central Sun) energy will begin to flow into Earth's atmosphere.
*LIGHT has not been present on Earth since the days of Atlantis, and Advanced Science shows that the 40 Hertz Frequency, Gamma 5D LIGHT, will instantly recode DNA for a more complex order.
*If you have Inner Eyes to see, you can see that the Great Ascension of Humanity is NOW imminent and that some truly great things are about to happen on Planet Earth.
* Humanity is about to experience an Evolutionary Quantum Leap in Consciousness, and every BEING from every corner of the Universe is here to witness the Great Ascension of Humanity.
*This Great Reality of the ′NOW′ ...
*It is the High Time spoken of by many Prophets and Visionaries, when mankind would begin to advance from the long period of Cosmic Darkness to the New Golden Age.
Aurora Ray... Thank you

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