
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Divine announcement. For some, the switch to new earth is underway December 13th, 2022


Divine announcement. For some, the switch to new earth is underway
December 13th, 2022
Linda Li
Dear family of love and light, the Divine plan is unfolding nicely right now. Gaia and the Divine are pleased with it. The Divine encourages our light workers to keep up the good work, and know that the planetary ascension is going very smooth.
Also, Gaia intends to keep the deadline of the establishment of the Divine government on earth. She asks the Divine and the company of heaven to continue to push forward so that the deadline can be met.
By end of this year, all of the old 3D related systems will be shut down Gaia says. There will be absolutely no exceptions. Gaia has given enough leeway and compromises. Now she is ready to move on. And there will be no more compromise and no more negotiations. All will be done and over by end of the year. Period.
Gaia asks the planet and all souls on earth to finish up the old businesses and karmic relationships. The new earth has no place for the old 3D games nor the old politics. The planet and humanity are ready to switch to the new earth systems and so is Gaia and the Divine. The establishment of the Divine government is coming to fruition. The Divine and Gaia are working very hard to make it our reality.
The Divine wants to give warnings to the players and know that the time is approaching. Take the warnings seriously and finish the old games so that when new year comes, when the new systems are on line, souls will be able to switch and land on new earth smoothly. The process has all been ready and now is waiting for the time to come. Souls on earth have been informed about the timelines and the process, including the steps and how to. The Divine is pretty satisfied with all the preparation.
Now the Divine wants to remind the planet and humanity that the time ahead will be seriously intense because souls will start the switching process. Some souls are switching early and majority will switch when the new year begins. So the switching process will take some steps. For those who are going to switch early, it means that you are ready, and your switch to new earth will begin now. Please know that the entire switching process will take a short time because all the preparation has been done early. That is to say that the switching process may take, for some, hours and for others, it may take days. Nevertheless, the process is quite simple. All souls have been prepared for it.
So please take a note of the message and know that the process is underway. The Divine and the company of heaven are all on standby and waiting to help and uplift the souls who are ready. The entire Divine and millions of light beings are here to help as well. The process is Divinely designed and will be an event at the cosmo level. Go in peace dear ones. Divine love for you always.
Linda Li and the Divine and the company of heaven. So it is.

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