
Monday, December 12, 2022

Blessed 12-12 to All. This is a beautiful day to be in Presence with an open Heart. Spiraling


Blessed 12-12 to All. This is a beautiful day to be in Presence with an open Heart. Spiraling waves of Divine Consciousness and continually flowing Adamantine Particles of High Frequency Potential gently assist us to move into a field of Light and of Love ever increasing, day by day on the way into and through Solstice.
Through our union with this Gateway and merging with the coherent frequencies in Love, as Love and with Love each will be further assisted to maximize and acclimate to this quantum quickening upon us.
Both Yeshua and Mary Magdalene have spoken of this time as a wedding of Light and of Love solidified in body. The key Mother Mary has said is, "our commitment every hour to Uphold your Love, be in gratitude and allow the Heart and Mind of God to overlay your other and Christed Consciousness to Prevail as yours. Place your concerns and perceived burdens on the Holy Altar and BE at Peace. It is then you will feel an expansive quickening and accept nothing less than your God Self/your Higher Self to go forward and fan the flames of Freedom.
Blessings and Love to All,

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