
Monday, December 5, 2022

“Animals are experts within the realms of multidimension and fusion.They transcend dimensions.


Animals are experts within the realms of multidimension and fusion.They transcend dimensions.Maybe at one point you’ve seen an animal or bird and the next moment it’s gone.Insects and frogs, for example, open dimensional pathways with their sounds.Others, may travel with sound.Everything dreams, traveling to many realities. It's easier for you to understand the concept of "dreaming" because you know that when you're asleep, you're going to another world that also exists. Everything exists because it is interconnected and it doesn't matter if the memory is active or not.Beetles, worms and frogs know they go from one reality to another. They go to other worlds but yet they are right here in this world.There are a larger number of insects on this planet than any other animal species and they take up less space. They maintain balance because without insects your planet would not exist.Insects are multidimensional beings and act as invisible guardians of many worlds.Some beings inhabiting the cosmos resemble insects, both in appearance and character. There are people who have photographed and had encounters with beings who are half humans and half insects. They have doubled down and taken many forms to be here as silent representatives of their own kind.When a frog croaks, the sound creates an opening to another dimension to the animal kingdom—especially for insects but also for other members of the animal kingdom—.Frogs and insects hold the frequency and have certain skills. When frogs believe in the silence of day or night they create a harmonic, spinning moment. The energies of the environment can tap into this sound and experience, quite easily, what it means to be another way of life.You must understand that there is great intelligence in all life forms and that lifetime experience awaits you..Use the life force of love as a key to your own spiritual evolution. "THANKS FOR SHARING OUR PUBLICATIONS!!!Everyone can share our publications, but putting where you're from, so that more people can know this group.MESSENGERS OF THE COSMOS STUDIO GROUPços#dismariamagdalena··Hide Translation

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