
Wednesday, November 9, 2022

PAO's Newsletter for 11-09-22


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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .


Have you noticed the blue sky is bluer? The clouds more dramatic and beautiful? Birds chirping happily? Today while I was enjoying my morning walk, I felt a calm in the air that hasn't been consistent for some time now. We had lots of rain yesterday which cleared the sky, the air was crisp and clean and the trees with their leaves changing color oh so much brighter. The reds, oranges, yellows and golds. Glorious! I felt more pep in my step. I hope you, too, are enjoying a day in which you find beauty and gratitude.

Selama Ja!
Sirian for "Be in Joy!"


Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for November


Right now, we stand at a crucial point in history, locked in the throes of a Great Awakening. Uncertainties are all around, and they are daunting. To help us confront our situation with clear-eyed courage and confidence, PAO welcomes back Laura Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of Dwight D. Eisenhower, our guest this month.

Armed with an exceptional awareness of the esoteric, paranormal and mystical forces that guide our planet, Laura explains the reasons we are experiencing such levels of world chaos. And how we, the awakened, are an integral part of the process, shifting ourselves and Gaia towards a conclusive and more empowering reality.


We are rapidly converging upon perhaps the most defining moment in the history of our world. Laura can mentor and mobilize us to a growing mindfulness, supporting the sacred within us all, defending planetary peace and harmony,
and turning on Gaia’s lights of freedom and aspiration throughout the universe.

Please join us for this pivotal, and very inspirational, Galactic Activation Webinar.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Laura Updates Us on Her Mission's Current Focus
• All Eyes are On America
Examining the Effects that Shifting Events will Have on an Awakening Society
• Releasing Connections To, and Dependency On, the False Matrix
Reclaiming Our Sovereignty with an Alchemical Marriage/Sacred Union from Within
• Our Link to the Galactics
How They are Watching Over Us and GAIA
• An Astrological View of Our Current World:
How Astrology Affects our Present and Future

After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, November 20, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST

Please note: If you are unable to attend on November 20, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.



Source: John Smallman

All is well, humanity is awakening



Doubts are arising for you who are reading or listening to this, and of course for many, many others. And I can fully understand why they arise; it appears that you have already been waiting a long time for humanity’s collective awakening, a wonderful event that was seemingly promised for December 2003, and then again for 2012 . . . and still you wait. It is, quite understandably, very frustrating, and reduces your trust in us here in the non-physical realms whose only intent is to assist you all to awaken NOW!

Hang in there, it really is coming to fruition very soon, even as you continue to experience the unreality and confusion that is time in your illusory but very painful and frustrating dream state. Keep trusting us as you have been doing and are doing, because you do know deep within yourselves that to do so makes complete sense, and that all will be delivered in far greater wonder and abundance than you can conceive of.

All of you are doing great work, along with us, your support crews in the non-physical realms, to establish the fully aware and awakened state throughout humanity which is your birthright. It is the Will of Mother/Father/God, and it is being achieved, so continue to have faith and do celebrate, because truly it has already happened, in “no time,” and you will, momentarily, find yourselves in your natural state of great and amazing joy. It is inevitable, because God wills it!

Here in the non-physical realms we are watching with great joy as more and more humans choose to engage with love and forgiveness instead of anger and conflict to resolve their issues with family, friends, and business associates and government agencies. More and more are realizing that the intermediaries with whom they are interacting in business or government agencies are people like themselves – worried anxious individuals doing their best to support their loved ones and pay their bills in these times of uncertainty which are very unsettling for all of humanity. Truly All are One, and All is Well.

The illusory or unreal environment in which you are experiencing life as humans, apparently separated from God, also causes you much uncertainty because not knowing what to expect from day to day is one of its major aspects. In Reality, in the Presence of God, there is and can be NO uncertainty simply because there is only Love. Having chosen to experience separation and the uncertainty that is an aspect of it is, therefore, most unsettling. Even when life is flowing quite smoothly for you that sense of uncertainty remains within you because of previous unexpected and possibly very painful events that have occurred during your lives. You can never feel truly at peace, and that very negative “what if” thought always seems to be lurking in the background of your minds, awaiting an opportunity to disturb you.


But, in spite of all that, this truly is a marvelous time to be incarnate as a human in form, even though the MSM and social media are constantly filling the airwaves and the internetwith alarming reports of conflicts, disease, shortages, and other forms of pain and suffering all across the world. Much of this has been occurring for a long time, it’s not new, but the media make it seem new by almost constantly shifting their emphasis from one area of concern to another, to keep you on your toes and paying attention to them. That is their purpose. Therefore be heart centered and allow yourselves to feel the flow of divine Love inundating each of you and the planet as the moment for your awakening approaches rapidly. Yes, it is approaching rapidly, even though signs of this are not easy to see. Seeing is of the illusion, so go within and engage fully with your knowing that all is coming most beautifully to fruition, and be at peace with yourselves. Your individual energy fields – LOVE – are mightily strengthened and effective when you yourselves are at peace. You are awakening yourselves, and humanity.

What I am telling you here is not mis- or dis-information – a term that has been much invoked and most mendaciously used by the media worldwide – it is the divine Truth! You are in form now to awaken and to most gloriously assist others to awaken along with you. NOT by proselytisation or enthusiastic persuasion, but by the most gentle and loving behaviors you are each demonstrating as you engage and interact with your close friends and families, and also the people you meet, call on, text-message, email, or just think about during your ‘normal’ daily lives.

Your task here is very simple and absolutely essential – Live and demonstrate Love, your true nature, just by being yourselves. Doing that is your life’s purpose, and despite any feelings you may have indicating that as an individual you are having practically no effect, keep on BEING, because it is in fact extremely effective.

Release your grasp on your egoic masks which ask: “what will s/he think, say, or do if I . . .?” Just be the truly loving selves that you are, and let go of any desire to “be right,” “to justify,” or to “to defend” yourselves when you interact with others. And please cease and desist from judging yourselves! Remind yourselves frequently that you are where you need to be, with each of you following the paths that are perfect for you. No one is on a better or a worse path, each of you is on your own totally appropriate path, the one you incarnated to follow, and that is what you are doing, in every moment.

Don’t forget to remember that each one of you is a divine child of God following to the best of your human abilities the pre-incarnational paths you planned for yourselves, because that is exactly what is asked of you. Remember too that you are precisely where you are meant to be in every moment, fully buoyed up by your non-physical support teams who are always on call ready to comfort and assist you whenever you ask; you are never alone!

You are incarnate NOW to participate in the collective awakening of humanity. It is happening right now. So go within regularly during your busy and time-stressed days; feel the Love that is embracing, strengthening, and enthusiastically encouraging you onwards, and know that all is proceeding entirely as divinely planned.

All is well, humanity is awakening.

With so very much love, Saul.

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Avatar: The Buddha or The Incarnation

Source: SpiritualLife


Those in the Buddhist community are aware of the various terminology used to indicate the Buddha, the Perfect One, the Happy One, such as the word Avatar or Incarnation. Our Church organization uses the terms synonymously, even though the words have become largely misunderstood and misused, especially in modern popular culture.

People whose background is primarily Christian, may not be familiar with the deepest, ancient, and historical meaning of the term Avatar. The modern use of the word has only added to the confusion. More recently, the term has been used on the internet to mean, for example, a personal symbol or picture that you would use to represent yourself on a forum or other web page (your "avatar"); and, it has also been used as the name of a Hollywood movie. We hope to clarify the ancient definition of the word, as it relates to not only Buddhism, and other Eastern traditions, but also its potential application in Christianity.

Avatar is a very common and deeply-meaningful term from the ancient Sanskrit language. The Sanskrit language has been the philosophical foundation and essential vocabulary of Buddhism and Hinduism for thousands of years. Translated into English, Avatar literally means descent, or, further interpreted according to the ancient language and scriptures, means Incarnation, or appearance, or manifestation. Avatar is a word that is literally thousands of years old, and you can search the internet for references to the ancient language of Sanskrit, and find hundreds of beautiful Sanskrit terms that are still being commonly used today, such as Avatar.

The Avatar is considered to be the descent, Incarnation, appearance, or manifestation of the Higher Life, the Metaphysical, in Human Form, and, more importantly for humanity, through a Human Form. Some consider Buddha, Jesus, and the very few other Avatars known to have existed, to be the descent or Incarnation of the Highest Possibility in human advancement. Terminology varies among the known spiritual traditions, but the Avatar, the Incarnation, the Buddha, is considered to be the archetype in human development.

Some people who have a history in the modern Christian church, and who have left the church, may have developed an aversion to reading from the Bible. That is understandable, considering the amount of irrationality and fantasy that is taught, as well as the message of how "bad" you are for merely existing as the "God of Love" Created you, and how you deserve to be punished for it, by burning forever in a "lake of fire." But, in the Bible, some Truth remains, in spite of the inaccuracy, distortion, and fantasy that have been included in it, since the life of Jesus. The Buddhist scriptures also contain inaccuracy, distortion, and fantasy, except without the repeated condemnation of humanity as found in the Bible. You may find it helpful to consider these words from the book of John:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me. And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace. For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. John 1:1-18

As stated, the term Avatar has been extremely misunderstood and misused over the thousands of years of its existence, including to this day, but the original and pure meaning of the word remains intact, and is how our Church uses the term in referencing the Buddha and His Teaching, as well as Jesus Christ, and the few others in known history.

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Bashar :: How The Oversoul Works - Highlights

Source: Bashar-Darryl Anka

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A Hidden Map to the Lost ARMA CHRISTI within the Most MYSTICAL PAINTING of All Times

Source: Gregg Braden Officiall

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