
Saturday, November 12, 2022

The entire world will be able to see giant screens/monitors on the sides of those mother ships/light ships


The First Creator has already given the signal for the Galactic Federation of Light to begin appearing in the skies of the world in large numbers. They can now interact openly with people of the world. Yes its called galactic revelation
They will no longer wait on the governments of the world to do the disclosure, as they themselves will. ✨
that will convey some messages to the entire world, very similar to what we see on our TV channels today. And some people around the world will be invited to climb aboard the ships and meet the galaxies in person. Sick people will receive free healing treatment. ✨
For now and henceforth, there will be no further delays to the Galactic Disclosure. Which means the end is near! ✨
This does not mean that the Earth is doomed
Doesn’t mean that all life as we know it will cease to exist
Doesn't mean there will be a Great Cataclysm
Instead, it is the END of the experiment that has been done on Earth.
And end time allowed for the Annunaki and Reptilians to rule this world.
But the Spiritual Hierarchy decided to extend it to make room for preparation for the people of this world and to allow the secret controllers of this world a chance to give up and surrender. That weather will finally be over (for sure) next year. The Main Creator as well as the Spiritual Hierarchy have already decided to go ahead and allow Galactics to interact directly with the people of this world. ✨
It also means that every human being on Earth will have the chance to find out exactly where in the Universe they came from in terms of Galactic Origins. In each human DNA is an embedded code that identifies the true heritage of each human being.
We came from the pleiades, Atlantis, Sirius, Lemur, Andromeda, Alpha centauri, Arcturus, Mushaba, etc. And the emphasis is on humans, but that's especially true of animals as well. When a full Galactic Disclosure is conducted globally, there will be a reorientation and re-education of the people of this world to their true history.
This also means that galactic travel will become possible. We will get the chance to travel and visit the home planet and/or the star system we came from.

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