
Friday, November 4, 2022

💥💥💥 EL💣🔥✨ THE GREAT AWAKENING TRUST THE PLAN “Everything will be


“Everything will be alright, Patriots. We're going to win this one! "
... Donald J. Trump
This is the Apocalypse.
We're in the Final Battle.
We are fighting for the salvation of mankind.
We All Knew This Was Coming.
Let's do this together:
Holding on till the end
The final cleanup effort aimed primarily for the DC area was completed on October 31st. There were 7,000 people involved in the arrests.
The mass arrests across the country occurred over a 36-hour period that ended at 4 p.m. m. from today Tuesday. November 1st
Reserve troops were called across the country to be available in 70 cities for the possibility of implementing Martial Law later in the week (Friday-Saturday).
That Martial Law would be the cover up for us to come in and trade.
The U.S. dollar has not sold internationally since last Wednesday. October 24
My morning. The gold-backed USN is set to be announced on November 2.
My morning. November 2nd. Iraq is set to announce its new international tariff, along with its new Prime Minister.
Iraq, the general public and the US Tier4B, the Internet Group, were supposed to go at the same time.
Since October 15, the Iraqis have changed lower denominations of the diner.
Yesterday Monday. October 31st. The Iraqis could exchange notes at higher dinars with the US dollar, which was on a 1:1 par with each other.
Level 4B fees at the Exchange Centers were projected to be those announced by Shabbi in 2012 (about $18).
60 or more countries were already backed by gold.
We would have 5-8 min. to present our Humanitarian Projects in our appointments
Various sources say the midterm elections will not be held.
Brazil were doing a forensic audit of their election results and will arrest those who stole the election.
Martial law in the U.S. U.S. she was probably active in only 78 critical point counties.
Could we have Ten Days of Disclosure relating to our trade times.
The Emergency Broadcast System will be activated to make that Disclosure

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