
Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Continue Raising Your Frequency It is paramount that all of you Focus only on positive


Continue Raising Your Frequency
It is paramount that all of you
Focus only on positive news
To raise your frequency too
Because so much is trying
To hinder all of you
Pay no attention to the news
It's not your friend
Tells falsities and lies
Only to control you
Keep you in fear
This is their agenda
Their journey Their life
Do you hear?
Yours is to be powerful
Through and through
Ward of all negatives
Being thrown at you
Remember you are here
To raise this frequency
Higher than ever before
Would you love to go
Out your door
And see these lights
And colors too?
This experience is waiting on you
Only you can make these changes
Only you can be free
When you follow your heart
Your calling
To raise earth's frequency
Connect with your guides
Your higher selves too
When in doubt, call on them
They are waiting for you!
Christmas season is more about stress
Buying and spending
Like all the rest
This was man-made
When will you see
All these holidays are 3D!
This is not your journey
You are here to be
Living truth, following your heart and loving yourselves
Release the guilt, the shame
Remember all of you are
Beautiful lights
Perfect in every way!
Be brave, be strong, remember your powers
All day long!
Channel by: AA Maxine Orion Star
Emotional Healing Coach Poetic Channel
Galactic Federation of Light

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