
Thursday, October 27, 2022

What is HARA, and why is it important? Hara is the field of intention, and intention


What is HARA, and why is it important?
Hara is the field of intention, and intention creates everything in your life. Being in hara unifies, magnifies, amplifies and attracts your intent. Thus, hara is the first step in the creation process. It is the foundation upon which everything is built. When you want to create something, you need all your energy, focus, and attention centered in the core of your body, otherwise your creation gets scattered and static. Therefore you must know when you are in center to know when you are out of center. You must know what neutrality is so you can begin to recognize when you are being pulled out by triggers or emotional reactions. Centeredness is the key to manifesting, and hara is the state of being centered and still. It is about rooting, grounding, and connecting into the cosmic and earth frequencies, and anchoring them in through your hara line, which runs down your spine, or vertical power column.
Hara moves you into a deep level of awareness and focus. When your mind is active, you are unable to receive messages from your Higher Self/Source/God. The energy and wavelengths can't make their way into your system when your mind is filled with the busyness and clutter of your own noise and monkey mind. Hara brings you out of the monkey mind and into a place of no mind, into a state of wholeness and non-action. That is because hara exists outside of your bio-energy field. It is a deeper dimension than the auric field. It is the place before physical manifestation takes place, where the primordial energy of all creation exists. In fact, 96% of the entire known and unknown universe resides in the un-manifested realm of the void. It is this void of stillness where all movement originates from. Being in hara is a faster way to enter stillness than meditation because it moves you outside the field of your thoughts, which reside in the auric field.
The stronger your hara, the easier it is to manifest your ideas into this dimension. As you come into greater degrees of stillness, everything else will fall into place. When you master hara, you will master life.

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