
Saturday, October 1, 2022

There is a Great PORTAL NOW that is OPENING!


There is a Great PORTAL NOW that is OPENING!
It is in the Process of OPENING!
And as it does. . . More and More DIVINE LIGHT will Flow through that PORTAL. . . Opening Other PORTALS throughout the planet. . .
Bringing TRUTH Forward from Many Different Directions. . . TRUTH BE-ing Revealed Everywhere.
WE Are BEginning to See JUST the BEginnings of that.
Each and Every Country throughout the planet will Receive This TRUTH. . . will Receive this DIVINE LIGHT.
For as WE have Heard Many Times. . . It CANNOT BE Stopped!
And All of us Have Been Prepared and have been Working for This GREAT AVALANCHE of TRUTH to BE Brought Forward.
WE will BE in the Forefront. WE Are the Way-Showers to ALL of those that yet are going to have their Awakening.
Will ALL of the People on the planet AWAKEN?
No. That is NOT the Destiny at this Time. But many. . . many more Will than was thought of even a few years ago.
For those that have been at the Forefront of this Bringing the TRUTH Forward. . .
again from Many Different Directions and Different Sources. . . they have been doing their Due Diligence.
They have been the Light-Warriors. . . Bringing these TRUTHS Forward to those of us that have been READY to Accept them.
And NOW WE Are the Light-Warriors Bringing this Information to Others that Are READY NOW to Accept It.
And More and More will Continue on this Way until the TRUTH Spreads Everywhere.
And the Tsunami of DIVINE LOVE and LIGHT will Reach Every Corner of the planet and Hasten that which is The GREAT EVENT.
~ 💜 ~

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