
Friday, October 28, 2022

The Guru does not cause Self-realization. He just removes the obstacles.


The Guru does not cause Self-realization. He just removes the obstacles. The Self is always
So long as you believe you are this person you believe in God. If you pray to Him, He will come to
you as Guru. If you serve the Guru, He will manifest as the Self.
The externally visible Guru causes the mind to go inward.
It is said that the prey which has fallen into the jaws of a tiger is definitely lost. This remark relates to the meeting with the real Guru. Who comes within the ambit of the Guru’s gracious look, cannot escape from this grace.
The essential help is the grace of the Guru.
God and the Guru will only show the way to release. They will not by themselves take the soul to the state of release. In truth, God and the Guru are not different.
Sri Ramana Maharshi

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