
Monday, October 3, 2022

MESSAGE FROM GAIA I am Gaia. And what has recently happened is


I am Gaia. And what has recently happened is an infinite part of what I'm going through Me, from the shakes that's getting my body, throughout my system, everything.
The earth quakes are strong and will intensify more and more and I need you Light Workers, who are the Beacons of Light, to stay calm.
There are many who now do not indicate everything that is happening to me because they fear humanity is scared, but, on the other hand, I Gaia your Mother Earth need you to know what is happening, because only so you can help me transmitting vue stro Love and Light, and that is it that I need.
I need the combined effort of all my children who are still in my body, on the planet, to help me by sending me Love, sending me Light.
But if they're asleep, I'm of no use. I need your help, and this is an urgent request.
All systems of coexistence fall and will totally fall. A New World is being generated in this very World. The shift in dimension is here.
There are two Earths. We are just traveling now.
It is necessary that some parts of the planet be eradicated because they are so polluted with negative energy that there is no possibility of cleanliness.
Then they are submerged in the water, and re-emerge other very ancient lands that will again provide the field of life, the provision for human development when we all come together.
As you know, I want to take as many of my kids as possible when we reach the fifth dimension. The Earth is going to have a very different shape, but it is necessary. For eons and eons I have been wounded and suffered things that cannot be eradicated except by erasing entirely.
Humanity needs to understand it's not revenge or anything. It is with great pain at those points where I have to proceed with strength, at those points that mean loss of human life. But they also have to be clear that those human lives that in those parts are removed from planet Earth, have offered themselves for it, in part to settle a great karmatic debt that they had or were offered in service as important souls of Light. So those who are left, no cry them, congratulate them, because they have taken a very important step as to what the soul has to experience. Everyone's at a different stage of development.
Gotta get some level of evolution in order to keep up with me. And that's why we always insist again: work on your own Self. Eradicate from you every speck of darkness you find. But don’t expect someone out there to point out “there’s a stain on you.” No. That's why you have to go inside. Y’all gotta do self analyze what’s going on. You have to consider if they break out in anger, to analyze: "Did I do the right thing?" ” – No. Anger is not the right thing. There could have been another solution. All of those are things to evaluate, consider, and necessary to be seen and studied by each of you.
My beloved children, daily I wait for the turning on of a new little light which means that a human has awakened.
I love you deeply like a real mother, like the Mother I am to you.
I Am Gaia, Mother Earth.

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