
Sunday, October 30, 2022

"In the inner man lies the Oneness Field of all Abundance.


"In the inner man lies the Oneness Field of all Abundance. If the resources of this Field of Abundance are not appreciated Consciously, then the man loses their value and fails to get anything out of them in his practical life. If the treasures are hidden, buried under the ground, and the owner of the ground has no Conscious knowledge of them, they are of no practical value. Unconsciously owning great wealth, the man remains Consciously poor. The Treasury is there, and the Millionaire is there, only the key is missing; the checkbook has been lost and the connection with the bank is broken and the Millionaire has no money. The great potentialities are there and they are unconsciously supporting the Tree of Life. What is needed is to have Conscious knowledge of these potentialities. It's there, only It has to be Known. The connection between the inner life and the outer life is already there, only it is missing on the Conscious level. When it is missing on the Conscious level then we are in the dark about our own potentialities, our own strength, our own power, wisdom, happiness and peace. We are unhappy on the Conscious level alone because the Conscious mind is unaware of the Ocean of Bliss underneath in the deeper levels of consciousness.
"It is only necessary to take the attention from outwards to inwards and then let it come out happier. This is what Meditation does; takes the attention from the outer field of experience to the inner field of experience of Absolute Happiness, which is the great reservoir of peace, happiness, energy, wisdom, creativity and all branches of learning.
"It is necessary to be Connected with the Source. The Connection with the Source is always there, It is there even when we do not know It. But It is missing on the Conscious level. Meditation makes that connection on the Conscious level and when the connection on the Conscious level is made, then we know that, 'Oh, this is that happiness,' and we know that Consciously. Otherwise, although we are all 100% Divine, Consciously we do not know that we are Divine; so then there is no Connection, there is no Bridge and we suffer on the Conscious level. On the level of the Transcendental Consciousness we are Divine already. So, suffering on the Conscious level has to be eradicated, because that is the main suffering. Meditation, just a few minutes am and eve, and no suffering will be there. There is absolutely no reason for man to suffer. His potentialities are there. It is only for him to lead the attention inwards and begin to enjoy.
"Christ said, 'Be still and know that I am God,' and when you know that you are God you will begin to Live Godhood, and there is no reason to suffer. Man is not born to suffer. But that stillness is not just the stillness of closing the eyes and relaxing the mind and being still; that stillness is the stillness of deep sleep where we stop experiencing. What is necessary is that we do not lose the capacity of experience and be still. Simultaneously holding the capacity of experiencing yet remaining still within is the purpose of Meditation; to come on to that Field of Being, transcending the whole field of objective experience and coming to the Field of Pure Subjectivity and Pure Being. That only is necessary and easily done. It is only a matter of drawing the attention inward. This Meditation does not require any power of concentration or any power of meditation on the part of the meditator. The mind is drawn inwards by the increasing charm in the direction of Absolute Bliss. It is the very nature of the mind to go to a field of greater happiness. Therefore, stimulated by its own nature, the mind is found going that way, quite spontaneously, without any stress or strain, or trying or manipulating. It is an easy way; go! Come, all those who want to come on the Highway to Eternal Liberation. It is there, open for you, renewed and renovated. Do not suffer when you can enjoy."
~ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the Divine Plan SRM, Lecture in USA, first published 1964

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