
Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Dear souls, may The Light transport you in the joy of the heart, and the fullness


Dear souls, may The Light transport you in the joy of the heart, and the fullness of the soul! Gaia calls for the Great Change, her humanity must be ready now, it is about taking that big step that will lead you to the shores of the Birthing Earth;
The energies being projected onto Earth right now are so powerful that your hearts are opening and your consciences are becoming even more awakened..... the truth is coming out more and more quickly, nothing will hold back the voice of the righteous, nothing will ever lock the Being in a cage of illusion! Righteousness will reign in peace for those who are willing to embrace Divine service, and elevate the Faith beyond earthly turpities..... we work and engage the highest light forces of this time, to activate the clearing of the path of Light, to pull from this Universe the last dark strongholds installed to perpetuate confusion and hatred.
May your hearts be gentle, and your soul at peace, stay in our heart united with us your Brothers who are constantly encouraging you for the Times of Light that will impose Law for the Alanguian souls, who have given their lives to God!
With love and respect for every soul,
Let Love be the Only Law! in respect and harmony of being "found"!
Ashtar Shan'Athena.

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